
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1681 - 1704 of 1795

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe for Your Child?

It's no secret that children love sweets – and that parents often try to limit the sugary treats their kids consume, because of the range of health concerns, not to mention dental bills, associated...

Amended DARK Act Would Still Block State and Local GMO Crop Rules

As EWG pointed out last week, the version of the DARK Act passed by the House Committee on Agriculture could block or “preempt” many state and local regulations related to GMOs.

Leading Scientists Rely on and Back EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides

Chensheng (Alex) Lu, Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology at Harvard School of Public Health has advised parents and caregivers to use the Shopper's Guide to "keep nutritional foods...

No Rules? No Food Safety

Everyone likes safe food. Polls show consumers want food safety to be a top priority for food companies and policymakers.

EWG Establishes Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Technology and Digital Mobilization

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Environmental Working Group, the nation's leading environmental health research and advocacy organization, has established its own “genius” award to honor...

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

New EWG Guide Aims to Help Shoppers Avoid GE Food

A new shopping guide released by the Environmental Working Group today will help consumers find supermarket foods made without ingredients likely to be genetically engineered.

Does the DARK Act Block Non-GMO Claims?

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) doesn't seem to understand his own anti-GMO labeling bill. During a hearing on a new version of H.R. 1599, Pompeo argued that his bill – which critics have called the DARK...

Letter to Society of Toxicology

EWG is a non-profit public health watchdog organization. We are writing to alert you that a current Society of Toxicology (SOT) member, Dr. Dennis Paustenbach, has committed a serious violation of the...

New Map Reveals Hot Spots in Emerging Global Food Crisis

Volatile food markets and food insecurity contributed to the civic unrest that recently brought down Egypt's president. To better understand the unfolding reality of global food price volatility...

Study Links BPA to Attention Disorder in Kids

Children with high levels of the chemical bisphenol A in their bodies were more likely to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than those with lower levels of the chemical, according to a...

Staunch Advocate For Genetic Engineering Urges GMO Labeling for Food

Mark Lynas, maybe the most famous apologist for GMO foods ever, this week urged a gathering of food and biotech industry employees to stop battling the growing movement to label foods made with...

Consumers Want Simple Labels, Not Codes

Busy consumers want ingredients disclosed on food labels – not embedded in electronic codes that must be scanned with a smart phone.

Senate Farm Bill Amendment Would Rein in Crop Insurance Subsidies for the Rich

A new amendment to the Senate farm bill that limits crop insurance subsidies for the wealthiest farmers would save taxpayers more than $490 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Are Possible Violations of Federal Law Enough to Finally Send Scott Pruitt Packing?

The federal government's top ethics official is raising serious questions about Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's potential violations of law. His string of scandals could topple...

Good Food Lunch Boxes

Are you looking for ideas for healthy, affordable and brown-bag-ready lunches? As kids head back to school, the Environmental Working Group wants to help you get the year started right.

What is food dye?

From popsicles to pistachios and from meat to mac and cheese, synthetic food dyes are everywhere. Their vibrant colors make food appealing and increase our appetite.

Income Support Proposal in House Farm Bill is Far More Generous Than Current Law

A new price guarantee program in the House farm bill could cost nearly $20 billion more than the discredited programs it is designed to replace, a new analysis shows.

Prominent Chefs Serve Up a Message to Congress: Label GMOs

More than 700 chefs – including Tom Colicchio, José Andrés, Art Smith and Sam Talbot – are urging members of Congress to support legislation to mandate labeling of genetically modified foods and to...

Can’t Handle the Food Truth?

Food industry lobbyists are none too pleased with EWG's new scoring system for foods

Federal Seafood Guidelines May Put Moms and Babies at Risk

Federal agencies advise women who are pregnant, nursing or planning to become pregnant to eat 8-to-12 ounces a week of low-mercury seafood.

Staying healthy this Fourth of July

Independence Day is almost here, with the potential for fun, sun and fireworks. While preparing for barbecues, beach days and get-togethers with family and friends, keep in mind a few health and...

Trump’s Budget Unites Farmers and Foodies

President Trump's budget request managed to do something few could have imagined: unite farmers and foodies.

How To Shop Safely and Eat Well During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although our daily routines have drastically shifted in the past few weeks, one thing hasn't changed: the need to eat healthfully. Healthy eating is always important, but now there's an even more...