
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1705 - 1728 of 1795

California lawmakers approve bills to improve prevention of lead poisoning

Two bills that take important steps toward the prevention of lead poisoning have cleared California's legislature and now move to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is expected to sign them into law.

Bacon, Red Meat and Cancer: What the World Health Organization Said – and Didn’t Say

The finding of the International Agency for Research on Cancer , or IARC, that processed meats like bacon, ham and sausage definitely cause colon cancer, and that red meat probably does, provoked...

The Real Voice Behind the “Lunch Ladies”

In the ongoing campaign to get Congress to weaken federal requirements for healthier school lunches and snacks, the School Nutrition Association is trying to create the impression that it speaks for...

Nothing Smart About “Smart Label”

Big Food's new “Smart Labels” proposal is no substitute for a simple GMO disclosure on food packaging.

Brazilians Don’t Turn Up Their Noses at GE Food

So far, less than 1 percent of Brazilian food sales are “organic” (though sales are growing). And, when experts looked more closely, they found that many Brazilian consumers are more likely to buy...

What’s in My Peanut Butter?

Creamy or crunchy? In a sandwich with grape jelly or strawberry jam? On crackers or celery sticks? No matter how you spread it, peanut butter is a staple of the American diet. But what's in it?

Americans' Views of Industrial Agriculture By the Numbers

The popularity of Oscar-nominated “Food, Inc.” and writers Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman make it clear that consumer interest in food and farming issues is now deeply embedded in the cultural...

Gov. Newsom strengthens California’s ability to reduce lead poisoning

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation to improve the removal of lead paint from buildings and streamline blood testing for lead levels. Lead exposure remains a serious problem. The primary sources...

EWG’s Women of Courage: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

What does it take for a small Caribbean nation to implement strong, sustainable and popular ocean conservation practices? A team of experts, an island community dedicated to preserving its way of life...

Milestone Measure to Advance Food Safety Passes Congress

The nation's food safety system is responsible for 3,000 deaths each year, and 48 million illnesses annually , according to newly released data from the federal Centers for Disease Control. Landmark...

Analysis Finds Hormone Disruptor Used in Cosmetics in Nearly 50 Different Foods

A new EWG analysis has found propyl paraben, a preservative linked to hormone disruption and not allowed in food sold in the European Union, in nearly 50 U.S. snack foods, including Sara Lee cinnamon...

GE’s Chemical Treadmill Spawns Zombie Herbicide

Coming soon to a farm field near you: massive applications of a zombie herbicide linked to everything from Parkinson's disease to reproductive problems.

Roundup for Breakfast? Weed Killer in Landmark Cancer Verdict Found in Kids’ Cereals, Other Oat-Based Foods

Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison in Monsanto's Roundup, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG. These new...

Study: Preservative Used in Pop-Tarts and Hundreds of Popular Foods May Harm the Immune System

A food preservative used to prolong the shelf life of Pop-Tarts, Rice Krispies Treats, Cheez-Its and almost 1,250 other popular processed foods may harm the immune system, according to a new peer...

How Cutting Sugar Can Improve Children’s Health

Now parents have yet another reason to wean their kids off the sweet stuff.

Type 3 Diabetes?

I try to maintain my health with the long game in mind, in the hope that one day I'll be able to enjoy my golden years - physically and mentally. Of course, there are a lot of miles to travel between...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 3)

This week, the Republican-led Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee suspended rules and decorum to railroad President Trump's EPA nominee, Scott Pruitt, through the committee, setting up a...

Federal facilities should offer more plant-based or vegetarian options

Fewer than half of federal facilities surveyed routinely offer a plant-based or vegetarian entree option, and many of those options provide limited nutritional benefits, EWG has found.

Good Food on a Tight Budget: EWG’s New Easy-to-Use Guide

In an era of rising food prices and economic strains that have put one in four people on federal nutrition assistance, nearly all Americans must search for foods that are nutritious and affordable. To...

Your Game Plan for a Healthier Super Bowl Sunday

When it comes to eating holidays, Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only to Thanksgiving, with some reports suggesting that the average football fan consumes more than 2,400 calories during the game...

Hey Parents: Read This Book, Then Save the Planet, Would Ya?

We parents give a lot of orders. "Put your pajamas away. Clear the table, please. Don't pull the cat's tail!" But in her new book, Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental...

Super Committee Me

If the next farm bill gets written without input from healthy food reformers, maybe it's time to occupy the agriculture committees?

What Parents Need to Know About Over-Fortified Foods

Food fortification began decades ago as an effort to reduce the risk of having insufficient vitamins and minerals in Americans' diet, but it has become a marketing tool that could be downright risky...

Cheerios New Non-GMO Label Tests Food Industry Claims on Labeling

The decision by General Mills reflects the growing pressure on food companies to provide more, not less, information about what's in their products.