Articles by Colin O’Neil, Soren Rundquist

Senate Bill Would Improve Water Quality in Critical Watersheds Nationwide

As Congress continues to craft the next farm bill, two critical conservation challenges need to be addressed.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

We're fooling ourselves if we think that voluntary conservation efforts are going to solve the Corn Belt's dirty water problems.

Nitrate pollution plagues Midwestern rivers

A recent study by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that the water quality in 22 rivers over the past 65 years is terrible and not getting better, judging by the concentration of...

Ohio River Basin Polluted by Super Algal Bloom

Ripped from the pages of an obscure science fiction novel, millions run screaming from the threat of a toxic algal bloom blanketing almost 650 miles of the Ohio River. Regrettably, this story isn't...

Fields of Drift: GMO Weed Killer Exposure on Playing Fields and Parks

An EWG survey of athletic fields and parks in a six-state sample of small-town America shows that more than 90 percent of these recreational areas are within 1,000 feet of a corn or soybean field...

Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer Sprayed on Fields Close to 12,000 Churches

Genetically engineered crops, commonly called “GMOs,” have led to an explosion in the use of toxic weed killers linked to cancer and other health problems – and people in America's heartland are most...

Grasslands Go Under the Plow in the Prairie Pothole Region

An article in the May 27 edition of Harvest Public Media, an online news outlet devoted to news about agriculture, amounts to first-hand evidence of the destruction of the iconic Prairie Pothole...

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blankets GMO Crops Near Schools

Genetically engineered crops, or GMOs, have led to an explosion in growers' use of herbicides, with the result that children at hundreds of elementary schools across the country go to class close by...

Study Shows Why Minnesota Needs a Buffer Law

Last week, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency released the alarming results of a study of waterways in the southwest corner of the state, reporting that only three of 93 segments it assessed was...

Cleaner Iowa Water: Ripe for the Picking

Nitrate and phosphorus runoff from farm fields is a major reason why water quality is notoriously poor in Iowa's rivers, streams and lakes.

Getting the True Picture of Cropland Expansion

Critics of EWG research that highlights the runaway conversion of pasture, forest and rangeland to grow row crops like to claim that our findings are contradicted by the Census of Agriculture...

New GE Crops/Weed Killer Combo Puts Foods At Risk

More than 440,000 acres of food crops – including potatoes, peas, grapes and tomatoes – could soon be in the toxic spray zones of a weed-killing chemical linked to Parkinson's disease and reproductive...

Frac Sand Mining, Coming to You Soon?

The boom in hydraulic fracking to extract natural gas and oil has created a huge demand for silica sand.

Elementary School Students At Increased Pesticide Risk

EWG has determined that 487 elementary schools across America are within 200 feet of a corn or soybean field. This finding is alarming because young children are especially vulnerable to the toxic...

Thousands Of Schools Would be Close To Toxic Spray Zones

There are 5,532 American schools within 200 feet of farm fields that may soon be blanketed with massive amounts of a toxic defoliant linked to Parkinson's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and...

Broken Stream Banks: Too Many Rivers and Streams Go Unprotected

Although Minnesota has a unique policy designed to curb agricultural water pollution by requiring a 50-foot buffer zone between farmland and the state's river and stream banks, less than a fifth of...

Subsidies and Ethanol Mandate Fuel Massive Dust Storms

Dust storms have re-emerged across much of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, fueled by the same combination of persistent drought, plowing up fragile land and poor public policy that led to the...

Poverty Grows in Many Counties Alongside Higher Farm Subsidies

Many counties where federal crop insurance subsidies rose between 2008 and 2012 also had an increase in poverty over that period, a finding that undermines the oft-repeated arguments that farm...

Is fragile land near you disappearing?

With interactive maps from EWG's new report Going Going Gone!, you can find the “hot spots” where wetlands and other fragile lands are being torn up for crops and wildlife habitat is being destroyed.

Mother Nature’s Perfect Storm

Mother Nature has good news for people who love bad news.