
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 25 - 48 of 265

EWG Applauds Introduction of Minnesota State Water Well Testing Bill H.F. 3950

After issuing back-to-back reports highlighting the increasing threat nitrate pollution from agriculture poses to Minnesotans' sourcing of drinking water from private wells, the Midwest office of the...

“Last Resort” Antibiotic Threatened by Overuse in Livestock

A team of scientists at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C. has discovered the first instance of a person living in the U.S. infected...

Lakes With Algae Outbreaks May Also Be Tainted With E. Coli

Toxic algae outbreaks – slimy, smelly blooms of microorganisms, triggered by polluted farm runoff into lakes and rivers – can cause nausea, vomiting and more serious, longer-term health impacts, such...

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters: When Are They a Good Choice?

Filtering your drinking water is a good step to take to protect children's health from pollutants in tap water.


Supermarket Meat Still Superbugged, Federal Data Show

EWG’s most recent analysis of more than 47,000 federal government lab tests of bacteria on supermarket meat found an increase in the already high number of pork chops and ground beef contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Levels on ground turkey and chicken breasts remained high, but saw a slight decline. In the five years since our original analysis, “ Superbugs Invade American

How to Mix Your Baby’s Formula with Safe Water

One in every four American newborns consumes formula from birth. Around two-thirds of these babies drink some formula by the time they are three months old.


Dead in the Water

It is one of the toughest environmental problems facing America. For over 20 years, scientists have documented the appearance of a summertime "Dead Zone" that all but obliterates marine life in what is arguably the nation's most important fishery, the Gulf of Mexico. Each year the Dead Zone grows to an area that is roughly the size of New Jersey - ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 square miles.

Is Your Bottled Water Worth It?

When you want to know what's in your tap water, look at your local water utility's website. You'll find the source of the water and any chemical pollutants remaining after treatment.

Antibacterial Agent No Better Than Soap & Water – and It’s Toxic

It's a toxic pesticide that may be in your child's toothpaste and toys, in your bed, kitchen counters and clothing. It's supposed to kill germs, but is really no better than soap and water, and could...

In a First, San Francisco May Require Disclosure of Antibiotics in Meat

The overuse of antibiotics to raise livestock is creating superbugs, bacteria resistant to antibiotic drugs such as penicillin. San Francisco could soon become the first U.S. city to require major...


California Water Subsidies

At a time when California water is scarce and expensive, taxpayers guarantee Central Valley farms an abundant and cheap supply through a subsidy worth up to $416 million a year, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation that calculated, for the first time, federal water subsidies to each of more than 6,800 farms in the Central Valley Project (CVP).

Five Reasons Your Tap Water Changed Color

Americans are watching their tap water more closely than ever these days following the lead crisis in Flint, Mich., and other incidents of water contamination around the country.

Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

If you're one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here's what you should know and do to make sure your water is safe.


Chlorine Pollutants High in DC Tap Water

In spite of the best efforts of the Washington Aqueduct to provide quality drinking water to the District of Columbia, tap water tests from May, 2007 revealed toxic by-products of the chemicals used to purify Potomac River water, at levels above annual federal health limits. These results illustrate the tremendous difficulties that water utilities face when trying to provide tap water that is free

Trump Must Make Safe Drinking Water for Children, Pregnant Women a 'Huge' Priority

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged that providing “crystal clear, clean water” to all Americans will be a top priority of his administration. To make good on his promise, he should adopt the...

Antibacterial: Not just for soap anymore

Although most shoppers probably don't know it, "antibacterial" isn't just for soap anymore. From sports clothing to cutting boards, deodorants, and children's toys, a wide range of consumer products...

New Tests Find High Levels of Hazardous Chlorination Byproducts in D.C. Tap Water

In spite of the best efforts of the Washington Aqueduct to provide quality tap water to the District of Columbia, tests conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in May of 2007 revealed toxic...

Disinfectant Cleaners Linked to Weight Gain in Infants and Toddlers

The use of disinfectant cleaners in the home could increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight or obese later in life, according to a new study. The risk appears to rise depending on how heavily...

Ask EWG: What’s the Difference Between Natural and Organic Hot Dogs?

Environmental Working Group explains the difference between natural and organic hot dogs.

On Tap: Seth Siegel’s Masterful Examination of America’s Drinking Water Crisis

Top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency had a bold idea: Require water companies to run the nation's most polluted tap water through the treatment plant equivalent of a Brita water...

EWG's Bottled Water Scorecard, 2011

Pure, clean water. That's what the ads say. But what does the lab say? When you shell out for bottled water, which costs up to 1,900 times more than tap water, you have a right to know what exactly is inside that pricey plastic bottle.

How to Prevent Dangerous Salmonella Infections in Children

Antibiotic resistant salmonella “superbugs” in poultry are creating a public health crisis for children as strains become resistant to amoxicillin

FDA Plan For Livestock Antibiotics Phase-Out Is Too Little, Too Late

The federal Food and Drug Administration's call for the livestock industry to voluntarily stop dosing healthy animals with antibiotics is “is long overdue and inadequate”, Heather White, executive...