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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 161 - 180 of 280

So-called 'Clean Energy Standard' Protects Polluters

Putting “clean coal,” gas, nuclear, and unsustainable biomass under the “clean” umbrella is a triumph of rhetoric over reality. Nowhere does the "Clean Energy Standard" under discussion in Washington...

Fight Back Against Dirty Energy’s PR Machine

The energy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations to fend off pressure for necessary changes to their core businesses. The way to fight back is for local groups...

Crop Insurance Creates "Destructive Incentives" for Farmers: NRDC Study Confirms Fundamental Reform is Needed

A report released today (Aug. 27) by the Natural Resources Defense Council supplies the latest evidence that the federal crop insurance program desperately needs fundamental reform.

More Corn Ethanol in 2013 Means Environment, Consumers Lose Out

The harm done to consumers and the environment by the federal biofuels mandate is destined to grow worse as a result of the recent decision to once again increase the amount of corn ethanol that must...

Is fragile land near you disappearing?

With interactive maps from EWG's new report Going Going Gone!, you can find the “hot spots” where wetlands and other fragile lands are being torn up for crops and wildlife habitat is being destroyed.

Stop Unrestrained Antibiotic Use Before It’s Too Late

It's just common sense: If you're not sick, your doctor doesn't prescribe you medicine. Why should the animals we eat be treated any differently?

Renewable Fuels Policy “Untethered from Reality”

It's time to face facts: the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) created by Congress in 2005 and expanded in 2007 is producing too many “bad biofuels” that increase greenhouse gas emissions, drive up food...

It’s Time to End Secret Subsidies

How many members of Congress receive farm subsidies? If the House adopts an amendment to the farm bill requiring disclosure of subsidy recipients, including those who get crop insurance subsidies, we...

Programs to Reduce Ag’s Water Use Must Be Strengthened, Not Cut

Since it was first authorized in the 1996 farm bill, USDA's Environmental Quality Incentives Program has grown into the single most important federal program that helps farmers and ranchers protect...

Many Farmers Seeking Conservation Help Get Turned Away

Two out of every five farmers who seek assistance in reducing water pollution from their fields or the amount of pesticides and antibiotics they use are being turned away because USDA's Natural...

Green Slime

We've all heard of pink slime. Now, there's green slime too.

EPA Study Points to Ag for Pervasive River Pollution

A March 26 report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that 55 percent of the nation's stream and river miles are in poor condition, mainly because of industrial agriculture.

From Kernel to Grave

For years the federal government wrongly sent millions in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies to dead farmers – a black eye for subsidy defenders and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Now it seems...

Fix the Broken Biofuels Mandate

It's time to face facts: the biofuels mandate Congress established in 2005 is creating too much bad biofuel and not enough good biofuel. This year, that mandate requires American refiners to use 13.8...

Where Does All That Corn Ethanol Come From?

In recent years, millions of acres of America's native grasslands have been plowed under to grow corn for ethanol to blend into gasoline. And new research is clearly pointing to the federal ethanol...

Corn Ethanol: Bad for Farmers, Consumers and the Environment

By driving up the price of food and gas and causing costly engine damage, corn ethanol has been bad news for consumers. And by driving up the price of food, corn ethanol is also costing all of us...

Fuel Stop: Your Weekly Roundup of Ethanol-Related News (Jan. 5-11)

Ethanol related stories for January 5-11, 2013

Dairy’s Downward Spiral a Consequence of Broken Biofuels Policy

California dairymen are being regularly referred to suicide hotlines as many go broke from rising feed costs, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

New Study Paints Corn Ethanol As Eco-Unfriendly

In May 2009, Steve Ruh, who was then chair of the National Corn Growers Association's Ethanol Committee, called corn ethanol the “most environmentally friendly fuel available today.”

Same Dirty Fuel, Same Dirty Tricks

Corn ethanol boosters held yet another pep rally today (Sept. 27) for a dirty, inefficient fuel that has eliminated jobs, increased the price of food and gas, damaged engines and increased pollution...

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