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Displaying 841 - 860 of 976

Farm Subsidy Recipients Say the Darndest Things

In the month since EWG's 2010 update of our Farm Subsidy Database, subsidy recipients and program defenders have been reacting in interesting ways to the new data. Here's a roundup: Tennessee...

Greenwashing Corn

Starting this week (June1) in Washington, DC, the National Corn Growers Association and its affiliated state associations are rolling out a $1 million ad campaign to boost corn's tarnished image. It's...

Harvesting Taxpayers for Disaster Payments

The 2008 farm bill included a new program to replace ad hoc disaster appropriations that have averaged $2 billion per year in recent years. The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program...

Assessing EPA Efforts to Clean Up Chesapeake Bay

On April 23, the Environmental Working Group's Rebecca Sutton, PhD, submitted a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency articulating EWG's support for the Agency's proposed pollution controls...

More Attention for USDA's Lack of Transparency

There is increasing attention on the restriction of access to government records on taxpayer funded farm subsidies reported by the Environmental Working Group. 74 percent of payments administered by...

Obama's USDA Less Transparent Than Bush's

The Environmental Working Group has worked hard to track the billions lavished on the wealthiest and largest farm operations in the country, in the hope that releasing the information would spur...

Farm Income Data Debunks Subsidy Myths

Environmental Working Group's updated Farm Subsidy Database, released May 5, chronicles where federal farm subsidy dollars have gone from 1995 through 2009, revealing the true impact of farm programs...

California's Skewed Farm Subsidy Priorities

Environmental Working Group Senior Analyst Kari Hamerschlag used EWG's new farm subsidy database to take a deep, critical look at the subsidy system in California. She found (pdf) that although cotton...

Government's Continuing Bailout of Corporate Agriculture

By Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook Washington paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009, but to characterize the programs as either a "big...

Will Farm Subsidies be the Tea Partiers' Achilles' Heel?

It's too early to tell what the Tea Party movement's impact will be on the November elections, but there's no doubt that their noisy anti-big government message has barged into the nation's political...

New Tool for Measuring Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

In the three months since assuming the chairmanship of the Chesapeake Executive Council, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has directed several encouraging new initiatives.

Peterson Sends Positive Signals on Farm Bill

For years the Environmental Working Group has advocated for a more rational farm policy that would provide a better safety net for more American farmers. We've done this while also seeking to promote...

Want to Pony Up for a Pipeline to Corn Country?

The surest way to ensure that second-generation advanced biofuels remain in their test tubes and never see the spark of an engine is to pass a piece of legislation recently introduced (Feb. 14) by Rep...

Bacon, Cheese and Chicken, Please – Hold the Bun.

If you've ever wished that one day there would be a place where you could grab a bacon and cheese pileup with no veggies, smashed between slabs of fried chicken instead of buns, here's good news.

US Digs a Hole with Cotton Subsidies, Then Jumps In

This week (April 6), US officials struck a deal aimed at staving off Brazilian trade retaliation for subsidies paid to American cotton growers. Brazil had won the right to impose tariffs and lift...

EWG To Monitor San Francisco Sludge Policy, Criticizes Unfounded Accusations Aimed At Vietor, Waters

The Environmental Working Group will join other watchdog groups in monitoring the San Francisco Public Utility Commission's (SFPUC) controversial management of sewage sludge. EWG President Ken Cook...

Perdue Chicken Out to Pluck Public Interest Lawyers

Perdue Chicken Chairman Jim Perdue is retaliating against environmentalists -- and their lawyers -- who filed filed suit against the poultry giant and one of its contract chicken farms on March 2 for...

Sen. Lincoln’s Nutrition Plan Pits Kids Against Clean Water -- Needlessly

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) plans to mark up her Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 this week (March 24). The legislation would reauthorize child nutrition...

Let's Put Healthy Food on the Agenda -- and in the Curriculum

Good, healthy food was on the menu -- and on the agenda -- this month (March 3) when EWG staff and key supporters gathered in San Francisco for a sumptuous meal and lively discussion at EWG's 2010...

Gulf Dead Zones Just Got Deadlier

It's bad enough what marine "Dead Zones" do to the oceans; now it looks as if they're drivers of global warming as well. In a new report in the March 12 edition of the journal Science, Dr. Lou...
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