Articles by Scott Faber

Monsanto “Science” Ignores Weed Killers Linked to Cancer

As the New York Times reveals today, the “science” being served up to legislators considering whether to block state and federal GMO labeling has been cherry-picked by GMO labeling opponents.

Are GMO Labels a “Warning?”

Will consumers view a GMO label on food packages as a “warning?"

To Fight Consumer Rights, Food Companies Recycle Food Price Myths

The hysterical arguments being made by some food companies to fight GMO labeling should sound familiar: they've made the same claims to combat food safety and food labeling laws for decades.

Anti-Consumer DARK Act Blocks States Rights

When Congress votes this week on legislation to block GMO labeling, far more will be hanging in the balance than the simple question of whether consumers will be allowed to know whether their food was...

Just Label GMO Foods

Americans want to know what's in their food and how it's grown.

Does the DARK Act Block Non-GMO Claims?

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) doesn't seem to understand his own anti-GMO labeling bill. During a hearing on a new version of H.R. 1599, Pompeo argued that his bill – which critics have called the DARK...

Radical New DARK Act Assaults Consumer Rights

The new version of H.R. 1599 is a radical overreach that does not simply deny consumers the right to know what's in their food or how it is grown. The new version of legislation dubbed the Deny...

Testimony on S.543

EWG strongly opposes legislation designed to cripple the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to carry out its essential functions, including S. 543, the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of...

Eight Steps to Real Chemical Reform

As two Congressional committees develop legislation to update the nation's broken toxic chemicals law, it's good to remember what real reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 should look...

Top Problems with New House Chemical Proposal

Consumers rightly expect that the chemicals used in everyday products are safe.

Monsanto, GMOs and Cancer Risk

The news from the world's leading cancer experts that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans” provides the smoking gun that should make it simple for the Obama administration to require GMO...

GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices

Tomorrow morning, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of GMO labeling on food prices.

House Budget Hits Hungry Kids, Spares Fat Cat Farmers

House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga) put fat cat farmers ahead of hungry kids in his 10-year budget, cutting funding for food assistance by $140 billion over ten years and cutting farm...

Unlike Industry Bill, Boxer-Markey Bill Protects Health, Families

The two chemical safety “reform” bills introduced this week provide a clear choice for members of Congress.

Industry Chemical Bill Worse Than Current Law

Consumers rightly expect that the chemicals used in everyday products are safe.

Eight Key Questions on Chemical Safety Reform

Chemicals used in everyday products should be safe – right? States should have a role in regulating potentially toxic chemicals – right?

Conservative Republican Kingmaker Pigged Out on Farm Subsidies

This weekend, Republican candidates for President will head to the first-ever Iowa Agriculture Summit to pledge their fealty to “free markets” and “smaller government.”

What About Farm Subsidy Fraud?

Based on this week's House Agriculture Committee hearings, you might think it's the food stamp program – and not the heavily subsidized farm subsidy program – that is plagued by fraud and abuse.

Big Ag: Cheaper to Pollute

The American Farm Bureau Federation believes that it's simply cheaper to pollute America's rivers and streams – and pass the cost on to water utilities like the Des Moines Water Works – than it is to...

Congressional Testimony on GE Labeling

Scott Faber, senior vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, testified Dec. 10 before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health against H.R...