
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 24 of 413

National Academy of Sciences Urges Greater GMO Transparency

Today's National Academy of Sciences report on genetically engineered foods takes a major policy step in calling on the food and agriculture industries to increase transparency regarding GMO foods...

National Academies: Ethanol Worsens Greenhouse Gases

A new report by the National Academy of Sciences has found that corn ethanol production increases greenhouse gas emissions and damages soil, air, water and wildlife habitat. As well it says advanced...

National Academy Calls for Lowering Fluoride Limits in Tap Water

National Academy of Sciences report calls for lowering fluoride levels in drinking water.

National Academy of Sciences: Formaldehyde Causes Cancer

Congress, at the request of industry, has managed to delay efforts by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to classify formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen, a significant step for public...

National Academies urges EPA to evaluate ecological risks of sunscreen UV filters

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in a new report is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to assess the aquatic ecological risks from ultraviolet, or UV, filters and...

American Academy of Pediatrics Endorses Cell Phone Safety Bill

The Environmental Working Group applauds the decision by the influential American Academy of Pediatrics to support pending legislation that would require new research into the safety of cell phone...

New National Academies report gives guidance to clinicians on reducing patient exposure to toxic ‘forever chemicals’

Today, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a report recommending people with a history of elevated exposure to the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS should be...

Mapping the PFAS Contamination Crisis

Research by the Environmental Working Group and the PFAS Project at Northeastern University's Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute, or SSEHRI, has helped to map the crisis of...

Toxic Dreams: Crib Mattresses May Release Risky Fumes

The study of foam from 20 old and new crib mattresses found that mattresses release up to 30 different types of volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs, among them, phenol, a strong skin and...

New tests find ‘forever chemicals’ still in many fast food wrappers

The toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS have been detected on dozens of food wrappers from major fast-food chains, according to new test results released today by Consumer Reports.

Under Proposed Rocket Fuel Standards, Many Women Would Need Treatment to Protect Baby

Exposure to a rocket fuel chemical widespread in the U.S. drinking water and food supply, at levels equal to or lower than national and state standards, could cause thyroid deficiency in more than 2...

National Study: Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Still Found in Many Fast Food Wrappers

New research based on nationwide tests shows that many fast food chains still use food wrappers, bags and boxes coated with highly fluorinated chemicals. EWG's report supplements a new peer-reviewed...


Higher Ethanol Blends May Harm Health and Engines

In March 2009 corn ethanol producers asked for help from the federal government to expand their industry. Growth Energy, a consortium of ethanol producers, petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow 50% more ethanol in gasoline than is currently permitted, requesting approval for E15 fuel (a mixture of gasoline with 15% ethanol) (Growth Energy 2009).

EWG news roundup (7/29): Mapping Western Lake Erie Basin AFOs, billions of dollars in landmark Senate deal to fight climate crisis, and more

EWG news roundup (7/29): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

The science and research EWG conducts is about influencing massive public health decisions. That requires, on all levels, a combination of intellectual creativity, pragmatism and absolute scientific rigor.


Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Likely Discharged Near Schools in 18 States

Suspected industrial dischargers of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS are located less than a mile of 27 schools or childcare facilities that maintain their own water systems, an EWG analysis finds.

Many Fast Food Wrappers Still Coated in PFCs, Kin to Carcinogenic Teflon Chemical

Exposure to PFCs has been linked to testicular and kidney cancer, thyroid disease, pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia, ulcerative colitis and high cholesterol.

EWG Warns Senate Over Rocket Fuel in Nation's Drinking Water

For almost 50 years, the federal government, defense contractors and the chemical industry have worked together to block public health protections against a component of rocket fuel that can disrupt...

In memory of Dr. Kate Mahaffey

We have received news that Dr. Kate Mahaffey passed away on June 2, 2009. Please read about her here - her work is an inspiration for all of us at EWG.
Hoy, el estado de California ha presentado los resultados de los análisis realizados para detectar la presencia de plomo en el agua. Estos revelan que cerca de 1,700 centros autorizados de cuidado infantil en todo el estado superan el límite máximo permitido de concentración de plomo en el agua que se les suministra diariamente a bebés y niños en edad preescolar. Es posible que este número aumente a medida que se revelen más resultados.

If You Are What You Eat, Are We Making Children Nonstick?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on any given day one in three American children – no matter their age, race or family income – eat fast food. Hamburgers, french fries...

Food choice has a critical role to play in every stage of life and is one of the most important determinants of health outcome. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a well-planned whole foods plant-forward diet can meet “the nutrient needs and promote normal growth at all stages of the life cycle including pregnancy and lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adults, and for athletes.”

Too Much of a Good Thing

You want your kids to get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and happy. The best way is to feed them plenty of fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole foods. But what about all the...

Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects

A major investigation by The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif., reveals that an industry-funded study relied on by federal scientists to recommend a safe dose for perchlorate erroneously reported...