
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1609 - 1632 of 1795

Organic “Hotspots” Boost Local Economies

The nutritional and environmental benefits of organic agriculture are two of the main reasons that shoppers seek out organic foods and other products. But did you know organic is also good for the...

Top Coal Lobbyist, Climate Skeptic Poised to Become No. 2 at EPA

A leading lobbyist for the coal and oil industries, who is a staunch climate change skeptic, is a step away from being second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

5 People Who Shouldn’t Be in Charge of Protecting Us From Toxic Chemicals

Theirs aren't the only faces in Trump's gallery of regulatory rogues. One year into Trump's war on public health, here's a closer look.

House Leadership Puts FARRM Out to Pasture?

Although the future of the farm bill remains unclear, the leadership of the House of Representatives effectively rejected a proposal by the House Agriculture Committee that would have cut nutrition...

Are you looking for the "9" when you buy produce?

The 4 or 5-digit number that you'll find on the little sticker on your produce is a Price Look-Up, or PLU, code. They've been used by grocery stores for about 20 years to identify produce for pricing...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should be ‘Under Oath Before Breakfast’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will testify Wednesday before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, his fourth time before a congressional committee this year.

5 Ways to Avoid Artificial Colors in Food Targeted to Your Kids

Supermarket aisles and television commercials are full of brightly colored foods. These vibrant hues catch kids' eyes. But are they healthy?

Study: Eating Highly Processed Foods Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

The more highly processed foods you eat, the higher your risk of cancer.

Curb Farm-Payment Excesses

Des Moines Register Published July 14, 2007 Work on the 2007 farm bill comes at an exciting time for agriculture in America. Adding energy crops as a third major source of income, along with food and...

Give the Oceans a Break with Greener Back-to-School Supplies

We live in the age of plastic. Every year we make plastic stuff in amounts that equal the weight of the entire human population, and enough of it is thrown away to circle the Earth four times. More...

Eat More Color

There are lots of reasons to load up on deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables, but for me, the best reason is that it makes me happy! We feel invigorated and energized just looking at brightly...

Easy Tips for Healthier Holiday Beverages

'Tis the season for hot holiday beverages. Hot chocolate, apple cider and other warm, comforting drinks are popular with kids and parents alike. But these treats can pack a ton of calories and sugar...

Hard to swallow: Aspartame risk highlights FDA chemical review loopholes

Consumers digesting the news that aspartame may be linked to cancer will probably develop heartburn once they learn about loopholes in the Food and Drug Administration’s food chemical safety system.

Bacon, Cheese and Chicken, Please – Hold the Bun.

If you've ever wished that one day there would be a place where you could grab a bacon and cheese pileup with no veggies, smashed between slabs of fried chicken instead of buns, here's good news.

Will The Senate Keep Us In the DARK?

Some members of the Senate are trying to lure their colleagues to the dark side by cosponsoring a version of what critics call the DARK – Deny Americans the Right to Know – Act.

How Does EWG Set a ‘Health Benchmark’ for Glyphosate Exposure?

The widespread use of the herbicide and probable carcinogen glyphosate in farms across the nation has made its presence on processed foods containing oats, beans, wheat and barley nearly ubiquitous.

Here Are the 270,000 North Carolina Property Owners Whose Rights Are Threatened by Pork Industry Bill

A bill rushed through the North Carolina legislature and now on Gov. Roy Cooper's desk would severely restrict the traditional property rights of hundreds of thousands of property owners from the...

White House War on Transparency Continues with CDC Media Blackout

EWG: Another Sign of Trump's Contempt for Democratic Values WASHINGTON – The Trump administration's ongoing war on freedom of information has opened on a new front: barring employees of the nation's...

GMO Labels Don’t Scare Away Shoppers

Food and biotechnology giants fighting against mandatory labeling of genetically engineered food (commonly known as GMOs) claim that it would have consumers fleeing their products. But the evidence...

Ex-Aides: Pruitt Ordered EPA to Deliberately Slow Compliance with FOIA Requests

Under fire from revelations about his conflicts of interest and abuses of office, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has reportedly instructed his staff to go slow on complying with...

What are ultra-processed foods?

Most of the foods and drinks the average American consumes may be making them sick.

To dye for: Chemical that makes sweet treats look irresistible linked to health risks

Synthetic food dyes that have been used for over a century to make snack cakes like Entenmann’s Little Bites Party Cake, and candies like Laffy Taffy and Brach’s Candy Corn, look brighter and more...

Pruitt’s $25,000 Phone Booth Under Investigation by EPA Inspector General

The Inspector General for the Environmental Protection Agency announced an investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's use of nearly $25,000 in taxpayer dollars to purchase a customized secure...