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Displaying 341 - 360 of 466

Disinfectant Mix in Cleaning Products Linked to Birth Defects in Lab Animals

Exposure to a mixture of chemicals commonly found in household and commercial cleaning products can lead to birth defects in laboratory animals that can last for generations, according to a new study...

Drinking Water and Children’s Health

Toxic pollutants in drinking water are particularly hazardous for children. Compared to adults, children drink more water per pound of body weight, resulting in greater exposure and greater risk. They...

Chemical Industry Shill Nominated to Lead EPA Toxics Program

In May, EWG reported that former chemical industry bigwig Nancy Beck was the scariest Trump appointee you've never heard of. We may have spoken too soon.

Trump at 6 Months: An Unprecedented Assault on Children’s Health

President Trump said last week that in his first months in office he has accomplished "more ... than practically any president in history." His claim is not supported by the facts, but at the six...

When Asbestos is Found in Tween Makeup, It’s Time Congress Acts

When asbestos is found in products children put on their bodies, enough is enough.

Hundreds of Kids' Cosmetics Products May Contain Hidden Carcinogen

More than 200 personal care products marketed to children and babies may contain 1,4-dioxane, a common contaminant that is a likely carcinogen.

Study: Banned Since 2004, Toxic Flame Retardants Persist in U.S. Newborns

Brominated flame retardant chemicals, banned in the U.S. since 2004, still pollute the bodies of newborn American babies, according to a new study from Indiana University scientists.

Dow Courts White House With Donations and Secret Meetings, Brain-Damaging Pesticide Stays on Shelves

The cozy relationship between the Trump administration and the chemical industry is easy to see. But now we're getting details of how Dow courted the president and his top environmental official to...

Trump’s EPA Ignores Hidden Carcinogen Lurking in Cosmetics

The Trump administration's proposal to study 1,4-dioxane excludes exposures from personal care products – even though an EWG analysis found that thousands of shampoos, soaps, lotions, sunscreens...

19 Best-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

A few blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's chances of developing serious forms of skin cancer in their lifetime. While a hat and shirt are the most effective at blocking harmful UV...

Pollution Linked to Lower Odds of Surviving Cancer

Where you live and the quality of the air you breathe can decrease your odds of surviving cancer, according to new research from the University of California, Irvine.

USDA Chief's School Lunch Menu: White Bread With Extra Salt and Sugar

Last month Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced a rollback of nutrition standards for school lunches that have been successfully implemented for the last five years. The move threatens to...

Trump’s Full-Scale War on Food

President Trump is waging a full-scale campaign to roll back decades of progress toward making America's food safer, healthier and more clearly labeled.

The 14 Worst-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

Choosing the right sunscreen from the hundreds of products lining store shelves can be daunting. EWG researchers came up with a list of 14 worst-scoring sunscreens for kids to avoid.

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

Six Questions About Cellphone Radiation and Your Health

In April, the city of Berkeley, Calif., won a major decision in a federal appeals court, allowing the city to go forward with its ordinance requiring cellphone retailers to provide consumers with...

5 Ways to Reduce Toxic Exposures in Your Home

If you have small children in the house, are pregnant or are trying to conceive – or simply want to stay healthy – you are probably looking for ways to avoid toxic chemicals at home and outdoors...

Don’t Want to Eat Pruitt’s Pesticide? Here’s What to Avoid

Last week Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt stuck to his long-standing practice of ignoring science, disregarding data that shows the pesticide chlorpyrifos could harm kids'...
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