Articles by Ketura Persellin

This Memorial Day, fire up the grill to get a taste of summer, not toxic chemicals

The sizzle of the grill – that’s the sound of summer getting underway. This Memorial Day, plan a better barbecue to avoid a side of toxic chemicals.

Cancer risks and prevention

Cancer affects all communities, some disproportionately more than others. That’s why it’s vital to learn as much as possible about how to decrease cancer risk.

Popular sweetener erythritol, found in Truvia, linked to heart risk, new study says

A new study finds a link between erythritol – a common artificial sweetener also used as a filler in stevia and monk fruit sweeteners and some keto products – and risk of harm to the heart and blood...

This Valentine’s Day, give the gift of fragrance – without the danger of toxic chemicals

“Clean” beauty in 2023 is one of the fastest growing categories in the personal care space, so you may want to give – or hope to get – clean fragrance this Valentine’s Day.

How ‘multitasking’ preservatives might help to make cosmetics safer

The lack of preservation in cosmetics has a notorious history – in just one instance, four women were almost permanently blinded in 1977 because the chemicals failed to keep their mascara clean and...

New baby textile product tests show concerning levels of toxic ‘forever chemicals’

You may have noticed an uptick in media reports detailing new discoveries in various consumer products of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. They’re highly toxic and pervasive – and found in...

Disparities in exposure to chemicals with links to weight gain

In addition to changes that make our lives more sedentary and perhaps also shifts in genetic makeup, the sharp increase in obesity and overweight we are seeing may be caused by far more exposure to...

Not so sweet: Study shows artificial sweeteners’ health harms

Whether it’s yogurt, bread, soda or thousands of other widely consumed products, your sweet treat might lead to a not-so-sweet health problem. If the label says “reduced sugar,” it could contain...

Chemicals in our food may be contributing to weight gain

It’s no secret rates of overweight, obesity and other metabolic diseases are skyrocketing. And food is a big part of the problem, though not in the way you might think. It isn’t just how many calories...

EWG VERIFIED® Baby Diapers: Filling the gap when regulators fail to protect our most vulnerable

European regulators have rejected a proposal to restrict a handful of harmful chemicals in baby diapers, yet again showing basic government failures abroad and in the U.S. to protect our most...

What are endocrine disruptors?

A class of potent chemicals is wreaking havoc by interfering with our hormone system. They’re called endocrine disruptors and they throw off the regular functioning of the hormone system, causing a...

Tampon shortage: Beware ‘forever chemicals’ in backup options

First there was a baby formula shortage, bare shelves where there should have been rows of packages. Now there’s a tampon supply problem – and publications from the New York Times and Sacramento Bee...

Are food and consumer product chemicals contributing to our obesity crisis?

The food industry insists America’s obesity crisis can be chalked up to simple math – people eat too much and exercise too little.

Spotlighting women’s health for Women’s Health Month

Women’s relationship to the environment is unique in many ways, with lifestyle choices and habits presenting special challenges, because some of the personal care products they use may contain harmful...

Study finds new link between lead in private waters wells and juvenile delinquency

A first-time study of the link between early-life exposure to lead in private water wells and juvenile delinquency finds that children who get lead-laced drinking water from private wells have much...

New lawsuit contends period products contain ‘forever chemicals’

Period products have come under fire in the past for containing high levels of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. Now another manufacturer of period underwear is in legal hot water because their...

Pervasive phthalates: New study links child exposure to cancer

Exposure to phthalates is widespread in the U.S., with more than three in four adults having detectable levels of the chemicals in their urine. And now a new study suggests an association between...

The vital nutrition facts you’re missing when buying groceries online

When you’re shopping for groceries online, you’re likely missing out on vital nutritional information. That’s because the law requiring these facts to be printed on food product labels is a few...

Why is EWG talking about plant-based foods and the climate crisis?

It’s no secret we’re living through a period of unprecedented and catastrophic climate change, and every day serious problems from the crisis become more apparent.

Does cell phone radiation affect men’s fertility?

Cell phone use – and exposure to radiofrequency radiation – can harm male fertility, according to a new study.