
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 217 - 240 of 846

Limit your exposure to cell phone radiation

Most of us have wondered at least once if our cell phones are safe, whether it's OK for our kids to use them, whether we should do something different.

Asparagus Ribbon Salad

Delicious dishes don't have to be complicated – just a few ingredients and a few minutes is often all you need. One of my go-to resources for healthy and simple recipe inspiration is Catherine McCord...

EWG Seeks Answers About Loophole in Proposed New York Fracking Plan

EWG is requesting records from New York officials to shed light on a potentially glaring loophole in the state's draft plan for regulating high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the event that Gov...

Burlingame Passes Cell Phone Radiation Bill

The Burlingame, Calif., city council has passed a motion to post guidelines on the city's website to advise consumers how they can minimize their exposure to cell phone radiation.

New Resource Reveals Widespread Use of Toxic BPA

EWG has uncovered new information about a toxic chemical many of us are buying at the grocery store – and how common it really is.

Cheatsheet: Triclosan

Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical found in many products. Use EWG's Triclosan to identify and avoid this toxic chemical in dish soap, personal care and other antibacterial products.

Broken Stream Banks

Water pollution from farmland is a major problem in southern Minnesota and wherever row crops dominate the landscape across the United States. Much of this pollution can be prevented by the conscientious use of riparian buffers – strips of grass, trees or other permanent vegetation maintained along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and other waterways.

A Senate Plan to Protect Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable form of cancer. It is almost always caused by inhaling tiny asbestos fibers, which pass through the lungs and become embedded in the mesothelium, a thin...

Timeline: The FDA’s failure to regulate ‘Brazilian blowout’ hair treatments

For more than a decade, the Food and Drug Administration and the cosmetics industry have known that keratin hair-smoothing treatments – commonly called “Brazilian blowout” treatments – release unsafe...

EWG’s Guide to a Healthy Summer

For many families, summer means a whole new routine – different schedules, carpools and activities, and kids spending more time outside. These changes bring a whole new set of considerations about how...

EWG study: UVA protection of most sunscreens only a quarter of touted SPF

Many sunscreens offer just a quarter of their stated SPF protection against ultraviolet A rays that increase the risk of skin cancer, a new Environmental Working Group study finds.

EWG’s Guide to a Healthier Thanksgiving

This year the Covid-19 pandemic has many Americans rethinking how they're spending Thanksgiving. EWG took a fresh look at some of the holiday's traditions, and we have these tips to make your...

True Green Confessions

Forgive us Kermit, for we have sinned. Sometimes being responsible for the environmental impacts of our choices is like being on a diet. You splurge one night and have dessert, but then the next day...

The (shocking) story behind cosmetics

Have you ever counted how many cosmetics or personal care products you use in a day? Chances are it's nearly 10.

EWG's Guide to Safer Cell Phone Use

EWG's 2012 guide to cell phone radiation summarizes the new research and the lack of protective government standards for phone radiation. Recommendations to consumers including taking steps to reduce their exposures to cell phone radiation by holding phones away from their bodies, using earpieces and following the other simple tips in our guide.

New York: Explain Why Drillers Got Early Info

Thomas Cluderay, EWG assistant general counsel, testifies New York City before state lawmakers at a public forum on hydrofracking. He highlights EWG's report exposing behind-the-scenes communications...

Will the Real Ethanol Beneficiaries Please Stand Up?

Eight years ago, the ethanol industry was keeping up the pretence that corn ethanol was a “bridge” to advanced biofuels. But figures like these, derived from the Renewable Fuels Association's (RFA) own Annual Industry Outlook, tell a different story.

An App for everything, except radiation levels

Curious about how much radiation is coming from your iPhone? Sorry, there's no app for that.

A tale of poison, deceit and heroism

I was going to go for the obvious today and tell you why fireworks are bad for the environment. But you already know that, right? It's a story that involves our old nemesis, perchlorate, and people...

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

Louisville Water Co. Slashes Chrome-6 Pollution

In 2010, EWG identified chromium-VI contamination in the drinking water of 31 of the 35 cities we tested. One Kentucky city has stepped up to solve that problem.