
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 24 of 846

Double Dipping: How Taxpayers Subsidize Farmers Twice for Crop Losses

Between 2014 and 2015, three federal farm subsidy programs paid farmers multiple times for the same loss in crop yield or decline in crop price.


Double Dipping: How Taxpayers Subsidize Farmers Twice for Crop Losses

After a decline in crop prices in 2014 and 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture boosted farmers' income by more than $13 billion through two newly enacted subsidy programs. But during the same period, another USDA program paid out nearly as much to “compensate” the same farmers for the same decline in prices. In all, this double-dipping cost American taxpayers almost $23.9 billion.

Triple dipping: How some farmers got paid three times for the same decreases in crop prices

Between 2018 and 2020, farmers across the country likely dipped into three types of taxpayer-funded farm support programs to the combined value of $91.6 billion, an EWG analysis found.

How to Breathe Safer as California Wildfires Rage On

The wildfires spreading through California are leaving behind unimaginable devastation, including some of the most polluted air ever recorded in parts of the state.

How green is your Halloween?

Halloween is spooky enough without having to worry about the toxins in your decorations and costumes. You and your family should have your haunted fun -- without being exposed to an abundance of toxic...

Tips to avoid BPA exposure

Although completely eliminating exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) may not be possible, there are steps you can take to reduce your family's exposure to this chemical by avoiding common sources and limiting exposure for the highest risk groups.

How to Have Your Healthiest Summer Cookout Ever

Summer is in full swing, which means many Americans are planning cookouts complete with friends, family and fresh food. Whether you're having a casual kickback or a big bash, EWG has you covered with...

EWG's Tips for Parents: The Series

We're excited to tell you about our new Healthy Home Tips for Parents email series! EWG's scientists and public health researchers created a list of the most important steps you can take at home to...

Healthy Home Tips for your holiday kitchen

In the next two weeks, you're probably going to do some (or possibly tons of) holiday cooking. You'll buy ingredients, cook, clean -- and enjoy some leftovers. It's a great time to do a little...

How to Improve Air Quality at Your Children’s School

A healthy, resting adult takes 12 to 20 breaths per minute.

How to Prevent Dangerous Salmonella Infections in Children

Antibiotic resistant salmonella “superbugs” in poultry are creating a public health crisis for children as strains become resistant to amoxicillin

Valley Farms 'Double Dipping' Subsidies

Fresno Bee, Dennis Pollock and Robert Rodriguez Published August 2, 2005 Many farms in California's Central Valley Water Project are "double dipping" in taxpayer pockets by using subsidized water to...

Easy Tips for Healthier Holiday Beverages

'Tis the season for hot holiday beverages. Hot chocolate, apple cider and other warm, comforting drinks are popular with kids and parents alike. But these treats can pack a ton of calories and sugar...

How Big Ag Taps Into Taxpayers' Pockets -- Twice

Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) computer...
Consumer Guides

EWG's Tips for Avoiding Pesticides

Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill living organisms that are considered pests, including insects, weeds and mold. Even after washing fruits and vegetables, pesticide residues remain on produce. Research shows that certain pesticides used on American produce are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and cognitive and behavioral problems. To find out more about how pesticides affect you and

EWG's Sunscreen Quick Tips

Some sunscreens prevent sunburn but not other types of skin damage. Make sure yours provides broad-spectrum protection and follow these other tips for better protection.

Infant formula: How to choose it & use it

Earlier this month, we daylighted a CDC report that showed perchlorate contamination in infant formula. Not surprisingly, we received quite a few questions about formula that week, so we put these...

EWG's Tips to avoid BPA exposure

EWG is working hard to pass laws that limit or ban the dangerous chemical BPA. But until they pass, we think you should have the latest info on sources of exposure and our tips to avoid them on your...

Healthy Home Tip: Green cleaning this spring

Spring has sprung, so here at EWG our "to do" list now includes a little spring cleaning. Green cleaning, of course. Why green?

Healthy Home Tip 4: Pick plastics carefully

Our homes are filled with plastics, and most of us don't really know what they're made of -- or whether they're safe.

How to give kids a green and healthy start

Every month we send our e-listers (yes, that could be you) a Healthy Home Tip.

Skin Deep and Healthy Home Tips Across the Web

News coverage of EWG topics including cosmetics and household toxins appeared across the web from sites including the Los Angeles Times, Shine by Yahoo!, and Prevention. EWG released a statement on a...
Consumer Guides

EWG's tips to avoid flame retardants

For decades, foam furniture, baby products and electronics have been loaded with needless flame retardants that migrate out of products and into our bodies. These chemicals have been linked to cancer and hormone disruption, as well as deficits in motor skills, attention and IQ in children. Though the most toxic ones have been phased out in the United States, they were replaced with poorly studied

EWG’s Back-to-School Tips for a Healthy Lunch

Parents have a lot to worry about when sending their kids back to school. Lunch shouldn't be one. EWG can help you avoid pesticides, food additives and contaminants in drinking water to make your...