
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1585 - 1608 of 1795

EWG’s Cook Applauds Wash State AG’s Lawsuit Against Food Industry’s Secretive Spending On GMO Labeling Initiative

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook today called on the Grocery Manufacturers Association to fully disclose which member companies contributed money to the secretive and potentially illegal...

EWG Responds to General Mills and Quaker Oats: ‘Legal Is Not the Same as Safe’

The Environmental Working Group is disappointed that General Mills and the Quaker Oats Company have brushed aside consumer health concerns raised by new research that found the cancer-causing weed...

What's for (School) Lunch? Cornbread and Corn Cobbettes

“Frito-Lay traveling nachos with cornbread, served with a corn cobbette” – that's what's for lunch today in my old elementary school cafeteria in Richmond, VA.

GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices

Tomorrow morning, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of GMO labeling on food prices.

Big Corn and Soy Go on the Defensive As Cancer Experts Probe Weed Killers

News that the world's cancer experts are taking a fresh look at 2,4-D has farm organizations worried.

EWG Commends Nestlé USA For Removing Artificial Colors

Nestlé USA's announcement that it will remove artificial colors from its candy products shows that the chocolate maker is listening to consumers who don't want these additives in their food...

EWG's Guide To A Healthy Thanksgiving

Roughly a third of the meat on every turkey goes straight into the garbage. If you tend not to finish your leftovers, buy a smaller bird this year. Try an organic, local or heritage turkey or one...

Putting People Before Big Pork, N.C. Governor Vetoes Hog Farm Bailout Bill

In a victory for property rights and public health, today North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed legislation that would have shielded big hog farms from liability for the pollution and stench that...

Are food and consumer product chemicals contributing to our obesity crisis?

The food industry insists America’s obesity crisis can be chalked up to simple math – people eat too much and exercise too little.

Citing Health Risks, Doctors and Scientists Urge Congress to Reject Potent Herbicide Mix for Genetically Engineered Crops

Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist DuoTM,” a new toxic herbicide mix of 2,4-D and...

EWG Calls on Monsanto to Retract Remarks on WHO Weed-Killer Report

In response to the World Health Organization's decision to classify the weed-killer glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” Monsanto's top executive pulled out the rhetorical machine guns...

Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics Linked to Preterm Births and Low Birth Weight

A study of pregnant Brooklyn women led by the SUNY Downstate Medical Center links triclosan, an antibacterial agent common in personal care products, with preterm births and smaller newborns.

Organic Diet Reduced Children’s Exposure to Pesticides

New research in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that an organic diet significantly lowered concentrations of certain pesticides in two groups of California children.

DARKer Act Blocks State and Local GMO Safety Rules

The anti-labeling DARK Act sponsored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) is now also an anti-environment, anti-farmworker and anti-public health bill. The latest version could rip more than 100 laws from...

EPA Chief to be Fêted at Chemical Industry Soirée

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will deliver remarks at the annual board meeting of the American Chemistry Council, the main chemical industry trade and lobby group...

Scott Pruitt’s Taxpayer Spending Tab Mounts: $120K For GOP Opposition Research Firm to Track News Media

The Environmental Protection Agency spent $120,000 to hire a Republican opposition research and PR firm – the latest example of Administrator Scott Pruitt's questionable spending, which has already...

Chemical Safety Nominee Weakened Standards for ‘Popcorn Lung’ Food Additive

Here's yet another dangerous chemical that Michael Dourson, President Trump's nominee to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency, helped greenwash: diacetyl, a food additive...

New Front to Open in Trump’s War on Healthy Food

President Trump is likely to launch new salvos in his full-scale war on healthy food today, when he addresses the American Farm Bureau Federation.

This holiday treat can harm your health

Shiny, red-and-white-striped peppermint candy is usually associated with brisk winter days, snow and Christmas – not harm to your DNA. But that’s exactly what can result from exposure to titanium...

GMO Salmon Approved for Your Dinner Plate

The Food and Drug Administration today (Nov. 19) approved genetically engineered salmon for human consumption, making it the first genetically engineered animal destined to reach American grocery...

Congress Passes Child Nutrition Act

A major public health victory on behalf of the nation's neediest children is about to be realized when President Obama signs into law legislation that will provide healthy school lunches to millions.

EWG Report: Trump’s Pick to Protect Americans from Toxic Substances is Longtime Shill for Chemical Companies

A new EWG investigation underscores just how unfit Michael Dourson, President Trump's nominee for a top Environmental Protection Agency position, is for the job of safeguarding children and other...

EPA Chief’s First-Class Travel in Crosshairs of GOP Investigation

The Republican chair of the House oversight committee is demanding the travel records of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Companies Working to Defeat GMO Labeling Often Employ Deceptive Labels

Some of the word's biggest food and beverage companies are spending millions of dollars to defeat California's Proposition 37, the GMO labeling initiative, claiming it would deceive consumers. Yet...