
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 289 - 312 of 1795

Tests Find Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water at Rhode Island Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at two Army installations in Rhode Island are contaminated with elevated levels of toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to newly released Department of Defense...

Why EWG Standards for Drinking Water?

When it comes to drinking water, a passing grade from the government does not guarantee the water is safe.

More than 600,000 service members given ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

More than 600,000 service members at 116 military installations were annually served water with potentially unsafe levels of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to an Environmental...

EWG’s Letter to Live Water on Recent Company Publicity

EWG sent a letter to Live Water regarding recent brand publicity. The letter, also sent by mail, was penned following several inquiries about their product and the “raw water” movement.

EWG Comments to California OEHHA on Draft Drinking Water Utility Report

EWG submitted detailed comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on the draft report “Achieving the Human Right to Water in California: An Assessment of the State’s...

California Lawmakers Move to Ensure Lead-Free Water in Child Care Centers

California lawmakers are moving toward ensuring that lead-free drinking water is required in all child care centers, catching up with Oregon, Washington and four other states.


Just Add Water

More than 45 million Americans in thousands of communities were served drinking water during 1994-1995 that was polluted with fecal matter, parasites, disease causing microbes, radiation, pesticides, toxic chemicals, and lead at levels that violated health standards established under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. More than 18,500 public water supplies reported at least one violation of a

EPA Starts Long Process to Set Legal Limits on ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Tap Water – But Action Needed Now

Today the Environmental Protection Agency took two long-overdue preliminary actions toward regulating the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in Americans' tap water, committing to set legal...

EWG Letter to the Department of Justice, Calling for an Investigation Into Scott Pruitt

Below is the text of a letter from EWG to the Department of Justice, calling for an investigation into claims made by EPA nominee Scott Pruitt.

Tide of Sentiment Shifts in Water War

Traditional Favoritism to Agricultural Interests Is Challenged as Demand Increases Washington Post, Juliet Eilperin BIG SKY, Mont. -- A hundred years after the city of Los Angeles and San Fernando...

The 8-minute Story of Bottled Water: Watch it, then stop drinking it

You've seen The Story of Stuff, right? That short and sweet video explanation of our "consumption problem" and what we can do about it? Well Annie Leonard and the gang at Free Range Studios (plus a...

Teflon Chemical Harmful at Smallest Doses

Every time they drink a glass of tap water, people in the mid-Ohio River Valley of West Virginia and Ohio may be consuming unsafe amounts of an industrial chemical linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and other illness. More than a decade after this threat became known, government regulators have failed to set enforceable standards to ensure the water is safe – and now, new science says

220 Million Americans Could Have Chloroform in Their Tap Water

When you think of chloroform, your thoughts may drift to faint memories of 1970s television shows in which a villain knocks out their victim with chloroform-soaked cloth.

Hidden Carcinogen Taints Tap Water, Consumer Products Nationwide

An unregulated cancer-causing industrial solvent, which is also a hidden impurity in cosmetics and household cleaners, was found in samples from tap water supplies for nearly 90 million Americans in...

Trump EPA Sets Tap Water Limit for Rocket Fuel Chemical 3X Higher Than Agency Scientists Recommend

The Trump administration's Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to set a drinking limit for a toxic rocket fuel chemical three times higher than agency scientists recommended during the Obama...

Trump’s Ag Secretary Wants EU To Have Polluted Water, Too

President Donald Trump and his secretary of agriculture have a message for Europeans: We want you to drink polluted water too.

'Erin Brockovich' Chemical in Drinking Water of More than 200 Million Americans

Drinking water supplies for two-thirds of Americans are contaminated with the carcinogenic chemical made notorious by the film "Erin Brockovich," which was based on the real-life poisoning of tap...

Out-of-Season Algae Outbreaks on the Rise

Outbreaks of toxic algae in U.S. waterways usually happen in warmer months. But in a sign that the problem is growing worse, algae blooms were reported in December in Michigan and Washington state...