Articles by Jared Hayes, Scott Faber

UPDATED MAP: Suspected and Confirmed PFAS Pollution at U.S. Military Bases

The toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS are now confirmed or suspected at 678 military installations, according to EWG's updated analysis of Defense Department records.

Without Congressional Support, the Pandemic Could Stall Growth of Renewable Energy

The remarkable growth of renewable energy production from wind and solar has created thousands of green jobs and helped reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

On PFAS, Weak Tea That Taxes Ordinary Americans and Absolves Corporate Cronies

The Environmental Protection Agency's announcement that it will take long overdue next steps toward a drinking water standard for PFOA and PFOS, two of the most toxic fluorinated chemicals known as...

One Year Into Trump’s PFAS Action Plan, Few Signs of Progress

Friday marks one year since the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled its latest plan to address the crisis of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, which have likely contaminated a...

It’s Time To End EPA’s Long History of Failing To Act on ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Environmental Protection Agency has a long history of failing to act to protect Americans from the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, which are linked to an increased risk of cancer and...

To Support Military Families, Congress Must Pass the PFAS Action Act

On Wednesday, I spent the day with retired military firefighter Kevin Ferrara. Like thousands of military firefighters, Master Sgt. Ferrara was trained at Chanute Air Force Base – a now-closed...

EWG Statement on Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act

WASHINGTON – Scott Faber, EWG’s senior vice president for government affairs, issued the following statement on the introduction of the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2019 by Rep...

Tonight’s Climate Town Hall: Crisis Demands Tough Questions, Honest Answers

Tonight's town hall is a forum for 10 Democratic presidential candidates to address the climate crisis. The crisis demands substantive treatment, like that given health care and immigration, not...

For Decades, Polluters Knew PFAS Chemicals Were Dangerous But Hid Risks From Public

For nearly 70 years, chemical companies like 3M and DuPont have known that the highly fluorinated chemicals called PFAS build up in our blood. They've known for almost that long that PFAS chemicals...

It’s Time To Ban PFAS from Food Packaging

The recent discovery of fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, in food packaging should serve as a reminder that our diets are as big a source as drinking water of these toxic compounds in our bodies.

To Address PFAS Pollution, Congress Should Report, Reduce and Remediate

When it comes to household waste, we all know the mantra: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

EWG PFAS Testimony for the Record to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Below and attached is EWG's testimony to the Environment Subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform for their hearing pertaining to PFAS contamination and the need for corporate...

EWG PFAS Testimony for the Record to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

EWG's testimony to the Environment Subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform for their hearing pertaining to PFAS contamination and the need for corporate accountability.

It’s Time To Regulate Industrial Discharges of PFAS

Fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer, harm to the reproductive system, and harm to the immune system.

Banned Around the Globe – But Still Legal in California?

More than 40 nations have banned or restricted more than 1,400 chemicals in cosmetics and other personal care products. So why are chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm still turning up in...

The Real Reason Donald Trump Hates Wind

Here's the real reason Trump is attacking wind power: It's going to replace the electricity produced from burning coal. And soon.

Two Big Steps Toward Meeting Our Climate Pledge

A House committee is expected to approve legislation today to require the Trump administration to produce a plan to meet America's international commitments to fighting climate change.

For Consumers, Being Clean Is as Important as Coming Clean

More than ever, Americans want to know everything about our food, cosmetics, cleaners and other everyday products we bring into our homes.

On Cosmetics Safety, U.S. Trails More Than 40 Nations

U.S. regulation of chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics is falling behind the rest of the world, according to an EWG analysis.

Who Will Support Real Cosmetics Reform?

In coming weeks, members of Congress will again introduce bipartisan bills to ensure that the chemicals used in cosmetics and other everyday personal care products are safe