
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 361 - 384 of 617

A Pro-Industry EPA Could Undermine New Chemical Safety Law

By releasing the first 10 chemicals to be reviewed under the new federal chemical safety law, the Environmental Protection Agency reminds us of what's at stake – and how decisions made by the incoming...

More Scientists Weigh In on BPA Dangers

The list of studies highlighting the health risks of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) grows longer by the week. Of course, all research is important, but a new study by a team of scientists led by Gail...

Lighten Up In 2009

An EWG investigation called “Lighten Up in ‘09” has identified seven compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb lines that trump the rest, with much lower levels of the toxic chemical mercury and lifespans...

Congress investigates science-for-hire over BPA

"Manufacturing uncertainty." It's a common tactic for companies whose products have undergone scrutiny by the scientific community. Here in our nation's illustrious capital there's no shortage of...

Gearing Up for TSCA Reform

Earlier this year, when Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) announced his plans to retire, he listed several issues he wants to see through to a successful conclusion before the end of his term. One of...

Cosmetics companies face major concern over asbestos contamination of talc

Johnson & Johnson recently agreed to a $8.9 billion settlement of more than 60,000 lawsuits alleging that its baby powder and other talc-based personal care products caused cancer.

Why is cancer-causing benzene widespread in personal care products?

Benzene is a sweet-smelling, petroleum-derived toxic chemical classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a known human carcinogen – and now it’s being detected in many personal care products...

At Industry’s Behest, EPA Caves on Banning ‘A Civil Action’ Carcinogen, Lays Ground to Downplay Potential Birth Defects

After intense lobbying by the chemical industry, last week the Environmental Protection Agency signaled plans to delay or scrap proposed bans on some uses of the drinking water contaminant made...


Poisoned Playgrounds

The wood in most playground sets, picnic tables and decks contains potentially hazardous levels of the same poison at the center of the debate over the safety of America's drinking water: arsenic. An Environmental Working Group analysis finds that even if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency keeps its promise to lower permissible levels of arsenic in drinking water, it will not be able to

Ask EWG: Is There a Safer Way to Make Slime?

If you have a child between the ages of 6 and 12, chances are you've been subjected to the homespun chemistry experiment that is slime: a combination of ordinary school glue, baking soda and borax – a...

U.S. Health Panel Ignores Science on Food-Packaging Chemical

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Senior Scientist Dr. Anila Jacob, MD, MPH, issued the following statement in response to the decision by a government sponsored panel to largely ignore wide ranging...


U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today introduced legislation to protect drinking water from contamination by the toxic chemical perchlorate.

Infant Formula Makers and Canned Food Producers Called On To Remove BPA

In the wake of an FDA advisory panel's devastating rebuke of the agency's safety assessment for the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) Environmental Working Group (EWG) has written North...

Shady industry campaign kills CA ban on BPA in baby bottles

SACRAMENTO – Bowing to a deceptive, no-holds-barred campaign by the chemical industry, the California State Assembly has failed to approve a bill that would have made the state the first in the...

House Hearing on Chemical Safety Bill Showcases Doubts

A hearing at the House Energy and Commerce environment subcommittee yesterday surfaced deep doubts about a chemical industry-backed bill introduced earlier this year in the Senate to update the nation...

Shady Industry Campaign Kills Calif. Ban on BPA in Baby Bottles

Bowing to a deceptive, no-holds-barred campaign by the chemical industry, the California State Assembly has failed to approve a bill that would have made the state the first in the nation to remove...


Ten years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency and health advocates forced flame retardant chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, from the market. These chemicals were showing up in people's bodies and persisting in the environment, and research suggested they disrupted hormone signaling and brain and nervous system development.

The week from hell for BPA

Beginning last weekend, the food and chemical industries began what could only be described as a "week from hell."

EWG News Roundup (4/5): EPA Chief Dodges Questions, Big Pork Will Make Its Own Food Safety Inspections, Why Trump Hates Wind and More

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler made the rounds of Capitol Hill this week, displaying twice his questionable commitment to protecting Americans' public health.

Report: After Three Years of Trump, the Kids Are (Not) Alright

Three years into President Trump's administration, the Union of Concerned Scientists, or UCS, has taken an in-depth look at the impact on children's health. The findings are bleak.

EWG news roundup (4/9): Clean energy jobs on the horizon, key California bills advance past committee and more

EWG news roundup (4/9): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

OUT NOW: EWG’s 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

All adults and children should eat more fruits and vegetables, whether they are organic or conventionally grown. With EWG's 2018 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, you can choose healthy...

A Senate Plan to Protect Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable form of cancer. It is almost always caused by inhaling tiny asbestos fibers, which pass through the lungs and become embedded in the mesothelium, a thin...