
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 649 - 672 of 846


Above the Law in California

Two years after a federal investigation found California's clean air enforcement programs inadequate to stop big polluters, an Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis shows that many of the state's largest industrial facilities continue to break the law and pay fines too small to deter repeat offenses.

As Meat Prices Soar in Pandemic, Try These Healthier High-Protein Foods

Meat and poultry processing plants are hot spots for COVID-19 outbreaks, constricting the supply chains for beef, chicken and pork – and sending their prices soaring.

Gov. Newsom strengthens California’s ability to reduce lead poisoning

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation to improve the removal of lead paint from buildings and streamline blood testing for lead levels. Lead exposure remains a serious problem. The primary sources...

Super Bowl ads: Showcasing snacks and makeup with toxic chemicals

Whether your taste runs to salty or sweet, you probably ate your share of snacks while you watched this year’s Super Bowl – some with potentially harmful ingredients.

EWG presses regulators to investigate use of pesticide in liquid soap

Download PDF version. Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20460-0001 Regarding: EPA’s Decision to Support Re-registration of Triclosan...

EWG’s News Roundup (12/1): Chemicals in Cribs, Investigating the EPA and More

EWG's News Roundup (12/1): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


Organic Within Reach

With a little planning, cooking organic food can save money and time, help you eat better, cut down on waste and help protect the environment.

Biofuels and Bad Weather

When the Bush administration and Congress required gasoline refiners to blend in 15 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol by 2015, they made the impossibly rosy assumption that American farmers would always enjoy good weather. But as every farmer knows, years with perfect growing conditions are uncommon and getting more rare.

EWG News Roundup (7/30): CAFOs Run Amok in North Carolina, Senate Republican COVID-19 Stimulus Lets Down Farm Workers and More

EWG News Roundup (7/30): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG news roundup (5/6): EWG’s 16th annual Guide to Sunscreens, ‘forever chemicals’ in food wrappers and more

EWG news roundup (5/6): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

What are endocrine disruptors?

A class of potent chemicals is wreaking havoc by interfering with our hormone system. They’re called endocrine disruptors and they throw off the regular functioning of the hormone system, causing a...

Watching the Future Wash Away

Bad federal policy and intensifying storms are washing away the rich dark soils in the Midwest that made this country an agricultural powerhouse and that remain the essential foundation of a healthy...

Valuable Farm Bill Program for Fruits and Vegetables Needs Better Focus

An important farm bill program that provides valuable support for California's growers and consumers of healthy fruits, vegetables and nuts would deliver greater all-around benefits if state officials...

GAO Flunks Some States on Tap Water Quality Monitoring

A new report from Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, shows that a number of states have made serious errors in tap water safety data reporting. GAO attributed the lapses...

EWG Testimony on Exploring Current Practices in Cosmetics Development and Safety

The cosmetics industry has grown dramatically since 1938, when Congress last enacted cosmetics legislation. While most chemicals in cosmetics pose little or no risk, some chemicals have been linked to...

EWG news roundup (12/3): The risks with green tea extract, meat’s math problem, healthier face masks and more

Last week, EWG published an analysis of epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, an extract of green tea that’s both added to food and used as a supplement. Though credited with several health benefits, it...

Last Action Hero 3

A year after he mocked environmentalists as " Prohibitionists at a frat party," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered another big Earth Day speech – this time at Yale – with the same theme: The...

Once Again, Obama’s USDA Less Transparent than Bush’s

The ballooning national debt and Tea Party pressure has members of Congress running in the halls with their budget-cutting scissors in hand. The Senate Agriculture Committee is no exception.