
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 241 - 264 of 846

Reducing Arsenic in Your Diet

Two reports out today from the federal Food and Drug Administration and Consumer Reports magazine showing that a number of popular rice-based foods are contaminated with arsenic, a known human...

New Law Lets Black Farmers Seek Claims

Gannett News Service (Detroit Free Press), Doug Abrahms Published June 4, 2008 Robert Harrold missed the 2000 deadline for filing a benefit discrimination claim against the U.S. Department of...

Why, oh why is there plastic in my aluminum water bottle?

Not so long ago, many of us were happily - and possibly a little smugly - sipping water from our reusable aluminum water bottles. Until, that is, we learned that Sigg and Gaiam bottles weren't exactly...

The Speech the Industrial Ag Lobby Doesn’t Want You to Hear

Consumers are asking important and legitimate questions about what they are eating and feeding to their children.

Building a Balanced Meal

A few staple recipes, along with our tips on putting healthy meals together, will give you the tools to create a long-lasting, nutritious lifestyle in line with EWG's Cancer Defense Diet.

Breathe Easy: Healthier Indoor Air in Cold Weather, Part 2

Once you've tackled your home's entryways and living room, you've already taken significant steps toward improving your indoor air quality. Now you may be ready for an even bigger challenge: the...

National Study: Toxic Nonstick Chemicals Still Found in Many Fast Food Wrappers

New research based on nationwide tests shows that many fast food chains still use food wrappers, bags and boxes coated with highly fluorinated chemicals. EWG's report supplements a new peer-reviewed...

Toxic weedkiller linked to Parkinson’s poses disproportionate risk to Latino farmworkers, families in California

A groundbreaking analysis by the Environmental Working Group sheds light on a concerning disparity in exposure to the toxic weedkiller paraquat, with rural Latino communities in California’s farm...

Short Crop

Black farmers receive between one-third to one-sixth of the benefits under major federal crop subsidy programs that other farmers receive, and the “subsidy gap” has widened over the past decade. The gap will become more inequitable if a bill reported by the House Agriculture Committee passes the House later this week, researchers said.

Water pollution free-for-all

Like most kids, mine love bathtime. And while I take care to avoid the toxic chemicals in some bath products by making careful choices, at least I don't have to worry about the safety of the water...

EWG sponsors bill to ban use in California of toxic weedkiller linked to Parkinson’s disease

The Environmental Working Group is sponsoring legislation in the state Assembly that would ban the use of the highly toxic herbicide paraquat in California.

Big Ag's "Celery Calculator" Lowballs Pesticide Risk

Big agribusiness is up in arms over The Dirty Dozen, Environmental Working Group's list of fresh fruits and vegetables that are most likely to carry pesticide residues.

Serious Flaws Plague NY Drilling Plan

Significant scientific gaps in a New York state regulatory plan would make drilling for shale gas a multi-billion-dollar gamble, according to a joint report by two watchdog organizations.

On skiing: Sunny slopes & toxic wax

Just because it's cold when you're on the slopes, doesn't mean you get to ignore the sun.

Lead Astray in Ohio

An estimated 19,000 children under age six in Ohio have unsafe levels of lead in their blood, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that identifies high-risk counties and neighborhoods across the state.

Americans Want Stronger Regulation of Cosmetics

A survey released today by the Mellman Group and American Viewpoint shows that voters overwhelmingly support stricter regulation of the chemical ingredients used in their personal care products.


Under the Radar

Although North Carolinians' attention has rightly been focused on the state's dense concentration of factory swine farms – concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, which produce 10 billion gallons of bacteria-laden, liquefied hog waste per year – the state's poultry industry has grown dramatically with little notice.

EWG Fans More Than One Million Strong

Since 2006, Environmental Working Group has been building an email list of engaged consumers who sign up to get regular alerts about our latest research and practical tips to help them keep their...

Simple sleep steps to help you rest easy

Night-time routines can vary a lot. Some people have a multi-step skincare routine and high-thread-count sheets. Others just splash a little water on their face and hop under the blanket. Whatever...

Dr. Oz Talks Toxics in Our Drinking Water

In February, our friend Dr. Oz dedicated an entire show to the safety of the nation's drinking water. On the air, he revealed the results of the 'Dr. Oz National Tap Water Test' - a hands-on water...

DIY Don't

In between blizzards, you may be thinking of installing insulation to save money and energy.

Six ways to boost your health this spring

The start of spring means longer days, stronger UV rays, open windows and spring cleaning. Here are a few tips EWG suggests for safely enjoying the season.