
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1729 - 1752 of 1795

How Much Seafood Should Your Family Eat?

Seafood is good source of lean protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But some types of fish contain high levels of mercury, a heavy metal that's harmful to human health when consumed in large...

Five Healthy Meats for Your Holiday Table (Plus Two To Avoid)

We know you want to choose the most humane, good-for-you, good-for-the-environment foods for your family holidays.

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Our report struck at nerve at FDA. The agency issued a statement calling it “misleading” and “alarmist.” You can read our full response here. Essentially, the FDA argued that antibiotic-resistance to...

Top Labor Day Tips to End Summer on a High Note

Whether you're planning a beach outing, pool party or cookout to mark the last days of summer, here are some tips for a safe and healthy Labor Day weekend.

Rate Your Plate: Three Things for Your Memorial Day Picnics and Barbeques

Memorial Day is right around the corner, and picnic season is in full bloom. That means lots of people are fixing fruit salads, readying the spinach dip and putting together sandwiches full of cold...

Thank You for Spraying

When Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) spoke to the Organic Trade Association's Washington Policy Conference the other day, her talk had two parts: the part where she left the distinct impression that she...

Monsanto GMO Guru Attacks EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

We'd like to thank Rob Fraley, chief technology official at Monsanto, who's largely responsible for introducing genetically modified foods to the U.S. and Big Ag's surge in pesticide use that ensued.

U.S. Gives ‘Fishy’ Advice that Will Expose Babies to Too Much Mercury

Some pregnant women who follow the new U.S. fish advice will be exposed to far too much mercury, say scientists and advocates. They maintain that the outdated science used for developing the...

Okla. Leaders Refute Pruitt’s Claims of Environmental Enforcement, Senators Demand Truth from EPA Nominee

Oklahoma environmental advocates and attorneys met yesterday with members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to strongly refute Scott Pruitt's claims that he advanced pollution...

EWG, American Oversight Call for EPA IG Investigation Into No-Bid Contract with GOP Consulting Firm

Non-partisan watchdog group American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) today called for the Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General to immediately investigate the agency...

Busting GMO Labeling Myths

Should GMO foods be labeled? Legislation passed by the House would block state GMO labeling laws and make it virtually impossible for the FDA to ever craft a national GMO labeling system.

Mars Pledges To Drop Artificial Coloring

Mars Inc., the multinational corporation that produces iconic candies such as M&Ms, Milky Way and Snickers, announced last week that it will phase out artificial colors from its products over the next...

New DARK Act Would Keep American Consumers on Hold

The new version of the DARK Act introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) would allow companies to voluntarily rely on toll-free numbers and websites instead of labels to inform American consumers...


Pesticides still found in baby food, but biggest toxic threats eliminated

Your baby’s food may contain potentially harmful pesticides – but the Environmental Working Group’s decades of fighting to protect children’s health have helped eliminate the most toxic threats from these products.

Chef Colicchio, Activists, Lawmakers Demand Action on GMO Labeling

Chef Tom Colicchio joined Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) today as they reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would give Americans...

Infants Ingest Dioxin at 77 Times EPA’s Safe Threshold

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A review of research conducted by independent laboratories and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that one of the most widespread and hazardous contaminants...

EWG’s Stress-Free Thanksgiving Menu

As we head into the holiday season, the marathon task of preparing a Thanksgiving dinner or even just one dish to contribute as a guest – may be stressful. To help you combat the inevitable stress...

Farm Bill Extension: Support Stewards, Not Insurance Subsidies

With only five legislative weeks left, Congress must vote to extend the farm bill, but it must do it in a way that reflects the nation's spending priorities, supports family farmers and protects the...

Raised to Farm

Working with nature is not simple. But you can make a good living at it when you get your business model and growing system in place.

Hidden Secret: Harmful Trans Fat Ingredients Lurk in Tens of Thousands of Supermarket Foods

A new analysis by Environmental Working Group has found that harmful artificial trans fatty acids lurk in more than 27 percent of more than 84,000 processed foods common in American supermarkets...

First shot in the 2007 farm bill debate?

Delta Farm Press, David Bennett Published May 4, 2006 In what could be the first significant shot fired in the 2007 farm bill debate, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a report on how...