
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 265 - 288 of 1795


Mapping PFAS Chemical Contamination at 206 U.S. Military Sites

The Environmental Working Group has identified and mapped 206 military sites in the U.S. where drinking water or groundwater is contaminated with fluorinated chemicals, known as PFAS, at levels that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's health guideline. But this is only the tip of a toxic iceberg that is largely hidden and still growing.

U.S. Catches Up with Science On Fluoride in Drinking Water

Since 2005, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been pushing the federal government and municipal water utilities to reduce the levels of fluoride in drinking water to protect children from tooth...

Brain-Damaging Pesticide No Longer Sold in California

Farms in California can no longer buy a neurotoxic pesticide that can damage children's brains and nervous systems. As of today, chlorpyrifos is banned for sale in the state that grows most of the...

Does Your Tap Water Taste Like Fertilizer?

In an unprecedented analysis of 20 million drinking water quality tests performed by water utilities between 2004 and 2009, EWG found that water suppliers had detected a total of 316 contaminants in...

EWG Applauds Bill to Regulate PFAS Discharges into Water

EWG today applauded Reps. Chris Pappas (D-N.H) and Annie Kuster (D-N.H.) for introducing legislation to regulate discharges of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS into rivers, lakes and bays...

Session will look at water contracts

Feds reopen talks after criticism from environmentalists. Fresno Bee, Staff Published January 14, 2006 Federal officials are reopening negotiations on the renewal of some farm water contracts after...

Why ‘Raw Water’ is a Raw Deal

Americans have good reasons to question the quality of their drinking water.

Trump Must Make Safe Drinking Water for Children, Pregnant Women a 'Huge' Priority

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged that providing “crystal clear, clean water” to all Americans will be a top priority of his administration. To make good on his promise, he should adopt the...

Making Illinoise Over Water Pollution

Three leading environmental groups say they're hauling Chicago's sewer system and the Environmental Protection Agency into court over the pollution that pours out of the city, down the Mississippi and...

Millions tap into dirty water

USA Today, Michelle Healy Published January 9, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with chemical byproducts from chlorine that are far more than what studies suggest...

Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Bills Should Tackle Failing U.S. Tap Water System

By spending billions to upgrade the nation’s failing water infrastructure, Congress can create tens of thousands of jobs and significantly improve the safety of drinking water supplies. In the face of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress is considering multiple economic stimulus bills. When passed, this legislation must allocate at least $75 billion to clean up widespread

Pentagon: Fluorinated Chemicals Taint Water at Scores of Bases, Neighboring Communities

The Defense Department has for the first time disclosed the locations of military installations where tap water or groundwater on or off base is contaminated with highly toxic fluorinated chemicals.

Using EWG’s Water Filter Buying Guide

If you're concerned about what's in your water, buying a water filter is a smart next step.

Stay safe from toxic algae in water during Independence Day weekend

Extreme heat expected in many parts of the U.S. this Fourth of July weekend will likely bring millions of people to the beach, but an EWG analysis shows that recreation is not safe in or near all...

Across U.S., Toxic Algal Blooms Threaten Lakes and Other Waterways

Across the U.S., a growing epidemic of toxic algal blooms is polluting lakes and other waterways, according to a new report by the Environmental Working Group.


“Washout” Revisited

In 2013, an Environmental Working Group report titled “WASHOUT” documented that soil erosion across Iowa farm land during that spring's heavy rains had been far worse than previous estimates – in some cases carrying away a devastating 40 tons of soil in a single week from fragile and poorly protected fields. In many places, runoff carved “ephemeral gullies” as a result of growers' inadequate

Groundbreaking Reporting Helped Bring ‘Dark Waters’ to Light

“Dark Waters,” the story of how DuPont dumped a toxic Teflon chemical called PFOA in a small West Virginia town and covered it up for decades, opens nationwide today.

It Didn't Take Long: Trump’s First Environmental Assault Endangers Drinking Water of 100 Million Americans

WASHINGTON – With Scott Pruitt now installed as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, President Trump has moved quickly to strike a vital safeguard aimed at protecting the drinking...

Anemic EPA announcement warning farmworkers of health risks of pesticide DCPA doesn’t go far enough

Today the Environmental Protection Agency publicly warned farmworkers of the “serious, permanent, and irreversible health risks” posed by the pesticide DCPA – in what is likely a final step before the...

Jackson crisis shows dire need to boost drinking water infrastructure funding

The devastating water crisis facing Jackson, Miss., shines a light on years of inadequate funding and neglect of U.S. drinking water infrastructure, and the terrible consequences that often...