
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3169 - 3192 of 3249

Food: Powerful Medicine to Defend Against Cancer

What we eat is strongly and intricately linked to our health. No food or nutrient is a panacea against disease, but eating right can help prevent many serious diseases, including heart disease...

Congress Should Not Pass a Lame Duck Farm Bill

With the elections finally behind us, Congress has returned to Washington to try to wrap up a slew of unfinished business. Among other things, lawmakers are grappling with how to revive the expired...

Asbestos: Think Again

A six-month EWG Action Fund investigation into asbestos in America uncovered an epidemic of asbestos disease and mortality that affects every state and virtually every community in the country. Asbestos kills 10,000 Americans each year, 2,500 more than skin cancer, and that number appears to be increasing. While most of these individuals are workers exposed decades ago, asbestos is not yet banned

Re-doubling my commitment to organic food

There's nothing to make you feel like a dope like a bunch of experts telling you you're wasting your money by buying organic food. And after the recent review of the issue by Stanford University...

Ken Cook Testifies Against Industry's Chemical Bill

Testimony of Kenneth Cook, President of the Environmental Working Group on S. 697 before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EWG news roundup (9/16): Pesticides found in kids’ fruit snacks, cryptocurrency ethereum makes the move to 99.95 percent less energy and more

EWG news roundup (9/16): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

FDA Orders Three-Year Phase-Out of Artificial Trans Fat Source

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has ordered food processors to stop using partially hydrogenated oils, a major source of artificial trans fats blamed for 7,000 deaths and 20,000 heart attacks in...

What I Learned From Being an EWG Guinea Pig

Last summer I was taking my one-year-old daughter to the pediatrician when a sign in the lobby caught my eye: Want to participate in a study on flame retardants?

OUT NOW: EWG’s 2020 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Nearly 70 percent of the fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group's 2020 Dirty Dozen™. Yet the dirtiest...

Red State Welfare

The New York Times, Timothy Egan Published June 27, 2007 Drive across the empty reaches of the Great Plains, from the lost promise of Valentine, Neb., to the shadowless side roads into Sunray, Tex...

Too Much of a Good Thing

You want your kids to get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and happy. The best way is to feed them plenty of fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole foods. But what about all the...

EWG Releases New Consumer Tool to Help People Make Smarter Seafood Choices

The Environmental Working Group published a new shopping tool and seafood calculator today to help people buy seafood lower in mercury, higher in omega-3 fatty acids and sustainably produced.

EWG for the Win: Tips for Your Healthiest Super Bowl Yet

The big game is right around the corner and millions of Americans are making winning game plans for a Super Bowl party packed with quintessential football fare. Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only...


Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns

In the month leading up to a baby's birth, the umbilical cord pulses with the equivalent of at least 300 quarts of blood each day, pumped back and forth from the nutrient- and oxygen-rich placenta to the rapidly growing child cradled in a sac of amniotic fluid. This cord is a lifeline between mother and baby, bearing nutrients that sustain life and propel growth.

Top Problems with New Senate DARK Act

Last night (March 14) Sen.Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) filed a new version of the bill we call the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK, Act. Unfortunately, this new proposal is not much better than the...


Comments on the Proposed Reissuance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permits

Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act gives the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers responsibility for protecting rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands from the effects of dredging, draining and filling. The Corps' primary procedure for regulating these activities is the issuance of permits for a range of activities that alter these water bodies and related wetlands. To lighten its workload, the Corps

Democrats' Bitter Harvest

House Democrats' devastating losses in Tuesday's mid-term election swept away a number of members from hotly contested rural districts whose full-throated support for keeping the taxpayer-funded farm...

Five Kid-Approved Tips for Healthier Valentine’s Day Parties

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and let's face it: your kids will eat a lot of sugary treats come February 14. Thanks to school, team and neighborhood parties, many kids spend Valentine's...

New Guide Warns of ‘Dirty Dozen’ Food Additives

Environmental Working Group today published a new Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives designed to help people figure out which additives to avoid and why.

Will GMO Labeling 'Win' Be Undermined by Loopholes?

For a variety of reasons, EWG does not support the Roberts-Stabenow legislation to establish mandatory, federal labeling of genetically engineered food. That said, we are grateful to many members of...

Pesticides: Testing, Kids, Regulation and You

It's hardly news that pesticides can be dangerous and are very worth avoiding - both for your health and the environment. But when your friends and family ask why you bother, having a solid grasp of...

For half a century, the chemical industry has waged a high-stakes, high-priced public relations war against the American public. The industry has used every trick in the PR business with polling, focus groups, news media outreach, propaganda materials such as videos, pamphlets and speakers' programs, paid advertising, promotion of pro-industry scientific experts and research, and most of all, greenwashing - PR campaigns that hype chemical makers' "environmental commitment" while hiding the truth about their toxic pollution.

Gifts Without the Guilt: 11 Things To Give Your Kids for the Holidays

You shop for fruit and veggies with the EWG Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists and use only EWG VERIFIED® mascara. Yet when the time comes to shower your kids with holiday gifts that are good for...