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Displaying 41 - 60 of 68

Toxic Cadmium in Jewelry: States Lead in Protecting Kids

In the absence of adequate federal regulation of hazardous chemicals, the states have stepped up to protect public health and the environment.

Study: Toxic Chemicals Are Lowering Children's IQs

Three common environmental chemicals - lead, organophosphate pesticides and methyl mercury - may have effects on children's IQ in the overall population.

Toxic trade mission: US pitched China on toxic medical products

In 2007, two members of Congress traveling on a tax-funded junket scolded a Chinese government official over tainted Chinese-made products, including lead-tainted children's toys, being exported to...

Progress: Less lead allowed in water pipes

On Jan. 4, President Obama signed into law theReduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. The law will reduce the amount of lead allowed in faucets and plumbing fixtures to a tiny fraction of the old...

New study links low-level lead exposures to kidney damage in kids

High-level lead exposure is a known risk for kidney disease. A new study sought to better understand the effects of low-level exposure, and found evidence that kids with blood lead levels as low as 2...

Tips for safer (face) painting this Halloween... and beyond

It's the Thursday before Halloween and my kids haven't quite decided what to be. Top runners at this point (it changes daily) are pretty standard: witch and princess.

Lead: It's Here, There and Everywhere

Back in August of 2007, I was trying to work on vacation. I was squirreled away in a back bedroom surrounded by files and books when I got a Google alert. Millions of toys were being recalled because...

Growing veggies in my (leaded?) urban soil

I live in an old house (1911) and used to work in affordable housing, so the dangers of lead paint aren't new to me. And with toddlers around for years now, I know to avoid paint chips in the mouth...

So what really causes autism?

If you follow scientific news on autism, then you've probably noticed frequent reports of new discoveries of genes "linked" to the "disease."

A new target for deadly lead?

Yesterday Janet Raloff of Science News wrote about a new study linking lead levels in older women to an increased risk of mortality. Women whose blood lead levels measure > 8 micrograms per deciliter...

Two toxic chemicals out of the children's toys, hundreds more to go

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, aimed at keeping lead and toxic plastic chemicals called phthalates out of children's toys, went into effect yesterday.

Scientists: Lead contamination in drinking water is never safe.

When are traces of lead in drinking water dangerous? The better question is, when aren't they?

Study links tap water to high lead levels in Washington children

Researchers have found a shockingly high lead levels in the blood of young Washington, D.C. children tested between 2001 and 2004, when the District of Columbia's drinking water was being contaminated...

The real problem with fake grass

I suffer every spring in Washington DC because of the smell of the fake grass that surrounds my apartment building, my walk to work, my walk in the park, my walk pretty much anywhere. I am not super...

Toxic children's toys signal time for reform

In what is only the nation's second largest toy recall this year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall of more than one million lead-painted toys.

The dangers of dried grasshoppers

When University of California-San Francisco researchers and health affiliates investigated an outbreak of lead poisoning in Monterey County, California, they found a correlation between consumption of...

Outdated cosmetics can cause bacterial infections

Did you know that many cosmetics have a shelf life of only one year, and the applicators of some products, like eyeliner, need to be washed or discarded even more frequently? According to the FDA...

Ask EWG: Lead in lipstick?

Question: There's an internet rumor that says you can check for lead in lipstick by rubbing a gold ring on the lipstick. If the lipstick turns black, it contains lead. Is there any truth to this?

Tests reveal high lead levels in multivitamins

A new report by finds only 10 of 21 products tested meet the claims on their labels. Several of the multivitamin products tested contained high levels of lead, including one women's...

Products banned elsewhere still pervasive in U.S.

Marla Cone of the Los Angeles Times has writtten a brilliant (albeit disturbing) article on the many products for sale in the US which have been banned in most other countries as toxic. The piece...
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