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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1081 - 1100 of 1273

Forbes and Monsanto: A Match Made in H*ll

Clearly, the only criterion Forbes magazine uses when determining which U.S. corporation wins its yearly “Company of the Year” title must be profit. That's the only way to explain how a company as...

Rachel Carson: The woman behind the book

Known, of course, for her movement-launching 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson understood the important relationship between nature and chemicals. She raised her voice to inform others and...

Fractured Logic: The Peril in “Fracking” Chemicals

If your family got its water from your own well (and a lot of people do), what would you say to someone who wanted to pump a whole grab-bag of chemicals into the ground nearby, including some that are...

Rubber Ducky: You're so not the one

The first question we usually get asked about our book, Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things, is: "What's up with the unusual title? A rubber duck? Dangerous?"

Epigenetics hits the mainstream

"Prenatal exposures to environmental pollutants may lead to chronic diseases later in life."

Best of Enviroblog 2009: Top 10 posts

As the saying goes, another one bites the dust. Another year, that is. But before we leave 2009 behind for good - which many of us would happily do - let's take a quick look back at the 10 most...

An Important Video About 10 Important Americans

EWG President Ken Cook tells the story of toxics in a mere 22 minutes - 22 very worthwhile minutes, that is. See it for yourself.

Top 10 Environment Stories of the Decade -- That You Might Have Missed

EWG staffers put our heads together to come up with this list of bad news environmental stories of the last decade that people might have missed. But there were plenty of big stories that hardly...

Next Decade's Big Enviro Stories

Climate change dominates the headlines this month, and that's likely to continue well in the new decade. But green issues don't stop there.

Louisiana Bucket Brigade...

A group of Lousiana residents who track the air quality in the vacinity of refineries. Their website can be found here:

Listen Up: Nena Baker talks chemicals on

If you don't have the time to read Nena Baker's book about the toxic chemicals we're exposed to every day (though we recommend it), here's your chance to get the skinny from the author in less than 15...

Blogger talk: Too many chemicals in cord blood

It's true there are too many chemicals in cord blood. You know it. We know it. But who else knows it? Well now, that depends on who else is writing about it (like, say, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal)...

Non-toxic holiday gift bag from EWG: Going, Going, Going...

It's never easy or fun to ask people for money. But. At least in our case we know how well we use it and how important our work is in the fight to protect environmental health. And we're not the only...

Attack of the Frankenfoods: Genetically Engineered Crops Use 26% More Pesticides, and Growing

The dedicated folks at The Organic Center released a hard hitting report today, Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use: The First Thirteen Years.

EWG's Ken Cook Voted Huffington Post's Ultimate Green Game Changer

Due in part to EWG’s heavily searched farm subsidy database, the Huffington Post nominated EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook as one of its 10 “Ultimate Green Game Changers” and put the final...

Healthy Home Tip 6: (Still) skipping the non-stick

Even though I'm tempted by some of the new, post-Teflon "non-stick" cookware, I resist. They're just too new to know for sure if they're any safer. And there's a history in this country of replacing...

11 Everyday Pollution Solutions

Use cast iron pans instead of nonstick. Read about Teflon health concerns. To avoid chemicals leaching into food, go easy on processed, canned or fast foods and never microwave plastic. Read about...

Something is amiss with our children

Written by Alice Shabecoff, co-author with her husband Philip of Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on our Children As we watched each of our five grandchildren and their friends enter this world and...

Talking Toxics Policy: A Historic stakeholder conversation

As Enviroblog readers know, EWG has been pushing for years to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the nation's chemical "safety" law.

Not my flip-flops, bro....

What's the world coming to when your freakin' flip-flops are laced with toxic chemicals dangerous to human health and the environment?
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