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The House farm bill's disastrous dozen: 12 reasons to vote against GOP proposal

There’s plenty to dislike about the farm bill proposal the House Agriculture Committee will consider this week, including its Department of Agriculture funding cuts and problematic provisions that...

Benefit of boost in crop reference prices would mostly only aid large farmers in just 100 counties

Here we go again: House Republicans are trying to rig subsidy programs to benefit Southern farmers. Their proposal would raise price guarantees for commodity crops in the upcoming farm bill, mostly to...

More than 4,000 Black farms are gone and House Republican proposals to increase reference prices will make it worse

The number of Black farms in the U.S. plummeted by more than 4,000 from 2017 to 2022, yet some farm groups and House Republicans have proposed to tilt the playing field even further against them.

Agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions could surge without climate guardrails

Greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. farming could surge if House Republicans get their way. They’re fighting now to scrap legislative guardrails designed to ensure that Department of Agriculture...

At least 10,000 farmers took over $11B in farm subsidies over 39 consecutive years

For nearly 40 years, the Department of Agriculture annually paid more than 10,000 farmers billions in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies or disaster relief, a new EWG analysis finds.

Does this cattle feedlot look “climate friendly” to you?

Brazen Beef, a Tyson Foods brand, claims its “climate friendly” beef production reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent compared to other beef.

Senate farm bill proposal makes climate a USDA priority

If enacted, the detailed farm bill proposal released last week by Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) would finally make it a permanent Department of Agriculture priority to...

USDA should strategically expand list of climate-smart conservation practices

A top Department of Agriculture official is touting plans to expand the USDA’s list of climate-smart conservation practices eligible for $11.7 billion in federal funding – and the department should...

USDA conservation funding ‘guardrails’ vital for reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions

When Congress provided almost $20 billion in Department of Agriculture funding for climate-smart farming practices, it included legislative “guardrails” to ensure the money goes to practices that...

Clock ticking to fight foolish EPA analysis allowing toxic weedkiller paraquat

It seems like an April Fools’ Day joke – the Environmental Protection Agency is defending its analysis permitting the use of the weedkiller paraquat, despite its links to Parkinson’s disease. With...

Why does EWG release its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ each year?

With its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, released almost every year since 2004, EWG’s goal is to educate the public about pesticides on popular fruits and vegetables, so consumers can make...

Five fatal flaws in EPA’s justification for using toxic weedkiller paraquat

More than 60 countries have banned the weedkiller paraquat because of its links to Parkinson’s disease. But the Environmental Protection Agency continues to defend its use in the U.S., based on a...

Let states and communities protect their citizens from pesticides

Pesticide makers could undermine state and local governments’ right to adopt rules that protect communities from exposure to toxic crop chemicals, if some members of Congress get their way. They’re...

New USDA data reveal that the largest factory farms keep growing in number

The largest factory farms that are bad for farmers, the environment and public health keep growing in number, according to new data the Department of Agriculture released today.

It’s time to ban paraquat

The Environmental Protection Agency must ban the toxic weedkiller paraquat – a step more than 60 other countries have taken because of its threats to human health. Paraquat has been linked to...

As farm income returns to normal levels, gaps continue to grow

While farm income is expected to return to normal levels in 2024, the gap between the largest, most successful farmers and their poorer neighbors continues to grow. Increasing farm subsidies, as some...

Increasing crop reference prices would hurt young farmers

Increasing price guarantees for major crops, as some farm groups and legislators are proposing, would make it harder for young farmers – those aged 35 or younger – to compete against larger, legacy...

7 reasons to add more plants to your diet

You probably know plant-based and plant-forward diets have considerable benefits. But you might not know the exact benefits.. Do they help your health? The environment?

E. coli from factory farms threatens America's leafy greens

A single enormous cattle feeding operation potentially threatens the safety of thousands of acres of leafy greens grown in the U.S. during the colder months, an EWG analysis shows.

Plant-powered holiday dishes approved by EWG

For the festive season, EWG is dishing out some green gastronomic advice with mouthwatering plant-based recipes – perfect for a healthy and happy time over the holidays.

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