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Displaying 41 - 60 of 4041

What is GRAS?

Food and chemical companies are permitted to approve the use of new potentially harmful additives and other substances in snacks, drinks and more without the Food and Drug Administration’s review and...

PFAS and Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity: An EWG Fact Sheet

The toxic fluorinated per-and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals known as PFAS are a class of thousands of environmentally persistent synthetic chemicals that have been used since the 1940s. They are added as...

Government panel calls for limiting federal purchases of products with ‘forever chemicals’

An influential federal advisory committee is recommending that federal agencies phase out the purchase of products containing the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

Campaign to ban asbestos gains momentum with striking Times Square billboard

An unmissable new campaign featured on the iconic Nasdaq billboard in the heart of New York’s Times Square urges Congress to ban all uses and imports of cancer-causing asbestos.

Let states and communities protect their citizens from pesticides

Pesticide makers could undermine state and local governments’ right to adopt rules that protect communities from exposure to toxic crop chemicals, if some members of Congress get their way. They’re...

What is sodium benzoate?

Sodium benzoate is a preservative found in fruit juices, fermented foods, sauces and some pancake syrups.

EWG finds little-known toxic chemical in four out of five people tested

A new EWG peer-reviewed study has found chlormequat, a little-known pesticide, in four out of five, or 80 percent, people tested. The groundbreaking analysis of chlormequat in the bodies of people in...

Demand grows for ski, snowboard wax without ‘forever chemicals’

Add skis and snowboards to the long list of consumer products treated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS: outerwear, furniture, carpeting, upholstery fabric, period products, cookware,...

‘Forever chemicals’: Top 3 ways to lower your exposure

The harmful “forever chemicals” known as PFAS are everywhere – as EWG scientists say, “Wherever we look, we find them.” But reducing exposure to these toxic substances is possible.

It’s time to ban paraquat

The Environmental Protection Agency must ban the toxic weedkiller paraquat – a step more than 60 other countries have taken because of its threats to human health. Paraquat has been linked to...

New USDA data reveal that the largest factory farms keep growing in number

The largest factory farms that are bad for farmers, the environment and public health keep growing in number, according to new data the Department of Agriculture released today.

Super Bowl ads: Showcasing snacks and makeup with toxic chemicals

Whether your taste runs to salty or sweet, you probably ate your share of snacks while you watched this year’s Super Bowl – some with potentially harmful ingredients.

As farm income returns to normal levels, gaps continue to grow

While farm income is expected to return to normal levels in 2024, the gap between the largest, most successful farmers and their poorer neighbors continues to grow. Increasing farm subsidies, as some...

Increasing crop reference prices would hurt young farmers

Increasing price guarantees for major crops, as some farm groups and legislators are proposing, would make it harder for young farmers – those aged 35 or younger – to compete against larger, legacy...

How to buy a mattress without toxic chemicals

How hard can it be to buy a mattress? The answer: There’s more to consider with this big ticket consumer item than you might suspect – including your health. A mattress is a purchase you may make only...

Protein predicament: Health concerns about protein bars

Protein bars might not immediately come to mind when you think of unhealthy foods, but some aren’t as beneficial as they seem. Many bars sold today contain large amounts of ultra-processed ingredients...

Heartbreaking: Harmful food dyes in Valentine’s Day candy

Heart-shaped candies, the ubiquitous Valentine’s Day sweet treats, may contain potentially problematic food dyes – likely at levels that are harmful to health.

Replacement flame retardant chemicals linked to preterm birth, new study finds

A new study finds a link between premature birth and exposure to organophosphate ester flame retardants, or OPEs, used in furniture and foam for mattresses and more. The study also found the risk of...

Battle in California court shows urgent need to expand, not limit, solar in the state

A legal fight in California could determine whether the state will meet its clean energy and climate goals – or whether power companies’ greed could prevent millions of hardworking residents from...

Pucker up for less: Lipsticks that won’t break the bank this Valentine’s Day

The right lipstick could be the cherry on top of your Valentine’s Day celebration. Whether you’re getting ready for a dinner date or looking for the perfect gift for your partner, lipstick may be the...
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