EWG: Biden budget proposal prioritizes environment, public health and clean energy

WASHINGTON –  The proposed $6 trillion FY-2022 federal budget released today by President Biden would provide much-needed investments in safe drinking water, clean air and environmental justice, as well as essential funding for renewable energy and a range of other important environmental and public health priorities.

The Biden-Harris administration is proposing substantial increases for federal programs that play vital roles in safeguarding drinking water and air from pollution, combating the climate emergency and advancing the clean energy transition, among others.

Among some of the notable proposed investments in President Biden’s budget:

  • $36 billion to combat the climate crisis.
  • $600 million for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
  • $10 billion for non-defense-related clean energy innovation.
  • $2 billion to place skilled laborers into good-paying clean energy jobs.
  • $3.6 billion to improve drinking water infrastructure and remove all lead service lines across the country.

“President Biden’s budget reflects his promise to promote policies and programs that benefit public health and the environment instead of the self-dealing interests of polluters,” said EWG President Ken Cook. “This document lays out a vision that will harness the full resources of the federal government to help clean up contaminated drinking water, dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fully embrace the transition to clean, renewable energy.”


The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action.

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