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Displaying 221 - 240 of 305

Obama Must Ensure Safe Gas Drilling

By Dusty Horwitt, EWG Senior Counsel President Obama contends that natural gas drilling can help meet his goal of reducing U.S. imported oil consumption by a third by 2020. Yet, in a welcome change...

New old news: 2004 Industry Tests Found 'Brockovich' Chemical Nationwide

Tap water industry representatives made no mention of their chromium-6 2004 study when they testified alongside EWG at a Feb. 2 Senate environment committee hearing on chromium-6 pollution.

Chromium-6 in Gas Drilling Wastes?

The boom in natural gas drilling across the United States has spawned well-warranted fears that the fluids and chemicals used to free the gas from surrounding rock could pose a risk to drinking water...

EWG testifies on behalf of clean drinking water (...and bagels)

Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt made his fourth appearance today (March 1, 2011) before the New York City Council's Committee on Environmental Protection to highlight the...

Fluoride in your water: How much is too much?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposes that public water systems cut back on the amount of fluoride they add to drinking water.

Bottled Water Industry to EWG: Shut Up!

When the head of a public interest group (like, say, EWG) receives a threatening letter from one of the nation's top industry lobbyists, it generally means he's done something right. On January 27...

EPA (Finally) Regulates Rocket Fuel in Tap Water

Perchlorate, a common ingredient in rocket fuel and a potent thyroid toxin, will be regulated in drinking water, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced yesterday (Feb...

Senate Hearing Focuses on EWG's Chromium-6 Study

Environmental Working Group's recent national study that detected widespread drinking water contamination by carcinogenic chromium-6 was the subject of intense discussion this morning at a well...

Take It! EWG's Bottled Water Quiz

Bottled water quiz

You just lost an excuse to buy bottled water

You're at the airport. You remembered your refillable water bottle and got it through security by draining its contents in the security line (can't take 'em through full).

Progress: Less lead allowed in water pipes

On Jan. 4, President Obama signed into law theReduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. The law will reduce the amount of lead allowed in faucets and plumbing fixtures to a tiny fraction of the old...

Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water

Texas Homes at Risk from Drilling Contamination, EPA Says

Whether it's from flood, fire or a tornado, there are few more devastating events than losing a home. But it's hard to equal the shock of having your house suddenly just blow up.

Don't. Frack. New. York.

Companies that drill for natural gas and oil in the United States are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates (think: kerosene, mineral spirits and a number of other petroleum...

Should state employees be drinking bottled water? On your dime?

You may have kicked the bottled water habit, but has your state government?

Perdue Chicken Out to Pluck Public Interest Lawyers

Perdue Chicken Chairman Jim Perdue is retaliating against environmentalists -- and their lawyers -- who filed filed suit against the poultry giant and one of its contract chicken farms on March 2 for...

The 8-minute Story of Bottled Water: Watch it, then stop drinking it

You've seen The Story of Stuff, right? That short and sweet video explanation of our "consumption problem" and what we can do about it? Well Annie Leonard and the gang at Free Range Studios (plus a...

Help EWG do bottled water research - and win a prize!

Last year we took a close look at 100s of bottled water labels to see how good (or bad) manufacturers are at sharing important information with consumers - like my mother, who buys it by the box (me =...

Can bottled water be funny? Watch this....

We all know bottled water is "the pits" (remember Erma Bombeck?), but we don't all say it like Derek. Listen up and be ready to laugh as Derek Forgie goes "inside the bottle."

4 steps to drinking safer water

Here at EWG we talk a lot about water, because we think it should be safe to drink.
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