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Areas of Focus

Displaying 741 - 760 of 976

Subsidizing High Income Farms

The current focus on deficit reduction has government leaders scrambling to find places to make significant cuts. Congress and the President are currently grappling with what to do about farm...

Our Soil and Water Needs a Safety Net Too

For just a little while, it looked like a great day for Iowa agriculture and the environment. On Aug. 30, delegates to the Iowa Farm Bureau annual policy conference in Des Moines passed a historic...

President Obama Makes Another Run at Wasteful Farm Subsidies

Yesterday (Sept 19), president Obama unveiled his plan to cut the federal budget. Part of that plan entails cuts to lavish farm subsidies paid out to mega-farms regardless of need, and cuts to the...

Getting sick on pesticides Big Ag can't live without

Chemical agriculture's defense of pesticides conjures up the image of the chain-smoking industry attorney Nathan Thurm slithering through a minefield of facts and figures about the causes of global...

We Already Gave at the (Insurance) Office

At a time when the agriculture economy is white-hot, sending government checks to mega-farms that don't need the money is indefensible. But that hasn't kept leaders of the agricultural community from...

Subsidy Defenders Cheerleading for Super Congress Failure

Ask almost anyone engaged in US agriculture policy, and the consensus is that the current budget crisis makes it all but inevitable that the suite of taxpayer-funded programs authorized under the...

Corn Lobby Reaps Crops of Trouble

Last week, the corn lobby posted a blog that abruptly declared its independence from so-called “advanced biofuels.” This announcement made it painfully clear that corn ethanol will never gain America...

When Feds Put Food Safety On Back Burner

When the federal government skimps on food safety, especially inspections, people can get seriously ill and in some cases, die. That's why Congress can't afford to underfund the landmark bipartisan...

Corn Lobby Gets Darwinian on Advanced Biofuels

By Craig Cox and Sheila Karpf The corn lobby has persistently sold misguided subsidies and mandates for corn ethanol as a bridge to the "next generation" of so-called "advanced" biofuels. The...

Kernel Watch: 9 Farm Subsidy Myths

Lobbyists are swarming the offices of the Congressional super committee in an attempt to protect their pieces of the federal budget pie. The farm subsidy lobby is part of the pack.

Breaking Land – Breaking Trust

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is moving to help out farmer in drought-striken areas by giving them the option to cut hay and graze livestock on land that had been taken out of production...

Corn Growers: Stuck in the Sandbox

When there's trouble in the sandbox, kids are likely to point at each other and say, “He did it.” As we get older, most of us mature to the point where we're able to accept responsibility for the...

A “Dirty Dozen” Chemical To Avoid

The “Dirty Dozen” label doesn't apply only to produce.

Shoppers have a problem with pesticides

If the thought of eating weed-killer with your watermelon makes your cringe, you're not alone. Nearly 60 percent of Americans prefer organic over conventional foods.

Just About Everyone Has Something to Say About Meat

On July 18, EWG released a report on how the food we eat affects our bodies and the planet. We called it a Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change + Health. In it, we shared our findings about 20 popular...

Much Ado about Giving Consumers What they Want

Over the past year, industrial produce growers and pesticide makers have made much ado about EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which assembles federal testing data on many fruits and...

Eating Less, Better Meat: Yes We Can

I'm a vegetarian. But my husband's not. And – go figure – my kids aren't either. Which is exactly why I care about the meat I buy.

Why The Farm Bill Matters

It's a huge and comprehensive piece of legislation that drives federal spending and policies on agriculture, nutrition and conservation programs. In just one year – 2010 – farm bill programs spent $96...

Biofuels policy is on the wrong road

For almost two decades, the Environmental Working Group has advocated for protecting vulnerable people from toxic contaminants, ending crop subsidies that encourage environmental harm and investing...

Protect the Public from Tainted Produce? Outrageous!

The produce industry, fresh off a failed attempt to get the federal government to fuzz up the results of its annual tests for pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, is at it again.
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