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Displaying 281 - 300 of 466

Advice for Parents: Find Nap Mats Without Flame Retardant Chemicals

When looking for a child care center, parents usually ask about the number of children and the number of adult caretakers in the center, what educational activities are offered, and what's for lunch.

How to Keep Your Kids Safer in the Sun

Kids are more vulnerable to damage from the sun than adults. A few blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's lifetime chances of developing serious forms of skin cancer.

Study: Giving Children Flame-Retardant Free Nap Mats Reduces Harmful Exposures

Children are exposed to brominated and organophosphate flame retardants from nap mats at child care centers, but switching to mats without the chemicals reduces kids' exposures, according to a new...

California Lawmakers Move to Ensure Lead-Free Water in Child Care Centers

California lawmakers are moving toward ensuring that lead-free drinking water is required in all child care centers, catching up with Oregon, Washington and four other states.

House Farm Bill Increases Pesticide Risks to Children, Farmworkers

The House farm bill includes several proposals that would roll back key pesticide protections, putting children, farmworkers, communities and even endangered species at risk.

Clean Air Regulations Protect Health and Benefit the Economy

The Trump administration is waging war on the laws meant to protect Americans from air pollution, arguing that rolling back regulations on coal-fired power plants, cars and trucks, and other sources...

Report: Boosting Energy Efficiency Would Bring Vast Health Benefits

A new report estimated the sweeping public health benefits that a 15 percent reduction in energy demand would yield in one year.

Thanks to Scott Pruitt, 30 Million Pounds of Brain-Damaging Pesticide Will Be Sprayed on Crops in Next 5 Years

One year ago today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt sided with the pesticide lobby over EPA scientists in an eleventh-hour decision to abort the agency's proposal to ban...

Toxic Chemicals May Increase Chances of Regaining Weight After Dieting

Exposure to fluorinated industrial chemicals, known as PFAS or PFC chemicals, may increase the amount of weight that people, especially women, regain after dieting, according to a new study by Harvard...

In a First, California Moves to Protect People from Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Carpets

In a groundbreaking move, California has proposed that carpets and rugs containing the stain-resistant fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS should be considered a priority product under the state's...

Study: Eating Highly Processed Foods Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

The more highly processed foods you eat, the higher your risk of cancer.

Scott Pruitt Just Released His First Year Report Card. EWG Marked It Up and Sent It Back.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt just released his list of “accomplishments” as he marks his first year as administrator of the agency.

Since the Lead Crisis, Reading Scores in Flint Drop Dramatically

Third-graders' reading scores in Flint, Mich., have dropped dramatically since the city's crisis of lead contamination in drinking water began, according to reports in the Detroit Free Press and The...

EPA Data: Tap Water in More Than 1,000 Communities Tainted With Lead Above Action Level

Tests by drinking water utilities serving 1.8 million Americans in 45 states detected lead above the Environmental Protection Agency's action level, according to EWG's analysis of the latest available...

Every Parent Concerned About Their Kids’ Health Should Read This Book

If the Environmental Working Group were to assign a book for parents and expectant parents, it would be “Children and Environmental Toxins: What Everyone Needs to Know.”
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