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Displaying 281 - 300 of 359

"Fiscal Cliff" Deal Extends Flawed Farm Program

WASHINGTON – Buried in the 150-page “fiscal cliff” tax bill passed New Year's Day is a last-minute farm bill extension that buys time for Congress to craft and debate an improved measure to establish...

Commercial Fishing Reaps Billions

U.S. and state fishing subsidy programs have contributed more than $6.4 billion to commercial fishing operations between 1996 and 2004, accelerating depletion of once-bountiful fish species, according...

No Secret Farm Bill in Fiscal Cliff Deal

Environmental Working Group joined several groups today to call on lawmakers to stop a secret farm bill from being attached to any legislation designed to straighten out the nation's finances.

EWG on the election

In the wake of the 2012 election, Environmental Working Group has issued the following statements on three key issues central to EWG's mission: Federal farm policy, natural gas extraction that...

Tonight: EWG’s Ken Cook to Debate GMO Labeling Initiative at Commonwealth Club

Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, will join other experts at San Francisco's Commonwealth Club at 6 p.m. tonight for a debate on California ballot initiative Proposition 37, to...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Valuable Farm Bill Program for Fruits and Vegetables Needs Better Focus

An important farm bill program that provides valuable support for California's growers and consumers of healthy fruits, vegetables and nuts would deliver greater all-around benefits if state officials...

Speaker Boehner Makes a Wise Decision to Reject Farm Bill

EWG applauds Speaker Boehner for his wise decision to reject the terrible farm bill produced by the House Agriculture Committee.

High Crop Prices, Insurance Subsidies Trigger Destruction of Millions of Acres of Wildlife Habitat

Responding to high crop prices and unlimited insurance, growers plowed under more than 23 million acres of grassland, shrub land and wetlands in order to plant commodity crops between 2008 and 2011, a...

House Agriculture Leaders To Cut Conservation, Protect Direct Payments

EWG strongly opposes a drought disaster package proposed by House agriculture committee leaders that would be paid for with damaging and unnecessary cuts to conservation programs.

Nation’s Top Chefs, Food and Nutrition Experts Denounce Flawed House Farm Bill

More than 60 leading chefs, authors, food and agriculture policy and nutrition experts, business leaders and environment and health organizations have sent an open letter to Capitol Hill objecting...

Crop Insurance Subsidy Reforms Could Save Tens of Billions in 2012 Farm Bill

A new report shows that Congress could save taxpayers at least $42 billion over 10 years, provide farmers with a more fiscally and environmentally responsible safety net and avoid deep cuts to vital...

Food and Farm Leaders Plan Congressional Scorecard

National leaders in food and farm policy have taken steps to form a new nonprofit organization that for the first time will hold lawmakers in Congress accountable for their votes on a broad range of...

Government Records Show Crop Insurance Subsidies Are A Boon To Big Farm Interests

A new analysis of over a million government records never before made public and obtained by the Environmental Working Group through the Freedom of Information Act has found that in 2011 more than 10...

Healthy Food, California Get Short Shrift in Farm Bill

An Environmental Working Group analysis highlights the skewed priorities and gross inequities in federal spending under the nation's most far-reaching food and farm legislation.

EWG statement on Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012

Statement of Craig Cox, Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Environmental Working Group, on the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012: “A farm bill that cuts...

2012 Senate Farm Bill Does More Harm Than Good

The 2012 farm bill should do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, promote healthy diets and support working families. Unfortunately, the bill produced today by the Senate...

Free Farm Insurance Could Save Taxpayers up to $18.5 Billion

A new report released today shows that an Environmental Working Group proposal to reform the costly federal crop insurance program through the 2012 farm bill could save taxpayers up to $18.5 billion...

EWG Farm Bill Platform

This year's effort to renew America's food and farm policy through the farm bill creates an opportunity for Congress to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, encourage healthy...

Poor Farming Practices Foul Drinking Water at the Source

A new Environmental Working Group report examines water pollution caused by farm runoff and details how treating the problem after the fact is increasingly expensive, difficult and, if current trends...
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