
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6553 - 6576 of 7361

EWG Congratulates Sen. Grassley on Payment Limits Amendment

Congressional Quarterly reports that Senator Grassley (R-IA) won support on his amendment to reasonably limit wasteful farm payments.

California Paper Looks at One Family's Body Burden

The Oakland Tribune devoted three days and thousands of words to telling the story of one local family's exposure to toxic chemicals. The paper's superb series presents a new and updated take on the...

DuPont Agrees to Settlement After Poisoning Drinking Water

DuPont Corp. has agreed to pay a settlement of over $100 million to residents of Parkersburg, WV, after knowingly contaminating their drinking water with PFOA, a toxic chemical used to make Teflon.

New Hampshire Determined to Limit Mercury Emissions, Despite Federal Stalling

With the Bush administration dragging its heels on limiting mercury emissions from power plants, concerned New Hampshire citizens are calling for legislation independent of federal regulations, the...

Farmed Fish Consumption Rising Along With PCBs

The Washington Post reports that half the fish consumed worldwide will be farm-raised instead of wild-caught by the year 2025, exposing Americans to more fish with plenty of healthy omega-3s and...

Politicizing Safety: When Corporations Trump Children

In her new book "It's My Party Too,” former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christie Whitman's accuses the chemical industry's lobbying arm, the American Chemistry Council (ACC)...

Honda unveils diesel system to rival gasoline cars

Honda announced Monday its plans for releasing a new and simple diesel powertrain that is as clean as gasoline-fuelled cars. The new cars are slated to hit the U.S. market by 2009. Diesel engines are...

British Royal Society: Exxon misrepresents climate issues

Britain's Royal Society, of which both Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were members, has asked Exxon Mobil to stop financing groups that create a “false sense somehow that there is a two-sided debate...

You smell so good its killing me!

Several schools and institutions are instituting fragrance-free policies to reduce unnecessary incidence of migraines and respiratory irritation. Yep. Those fancy, sweet smelling fragrances that can...

"The Nation" calls for action on 2007 Farm Bill

Do you think current farm policy favor corporations over small farmers and consumers? The Nation does, and they want you to weigh in on the drafting of the 2007 Farm Bill.

Study: Hostility may lead to decreased lung function

Are you an angry, hostile man? A recently published study finds that you may have some decreased lung function in your future. (This is in addition to the hardships of having your house ransacked on...

McDonald's ad chief resigning in McHummer shame?

Oh no! According to Forbes, McDonald's marketing chief Bill Lamar may be resigning soon amidst the “dubious call of putting toy Hummer replicas in Happy Meals.”

In the news: September 6, 2006

Confronting the criticism of health and environmental groups, three major nail polish manufacturers have begun the process of removing a trio of substances that have been deemed harmful. The chemicals...

In the news

Multiple articles from recent news.

Congress Moves to Weaken Organic Standard

Congress has attached an action to next year's agriculture appropriations bill that will allow synthetic ingredients to be used in manufacturing products labeled with USDA's green "organic" seal.

Community Protests DuPont's Teflon Dumping

Residents near DuPont's W.Va. Washington Works plant, where the Teflon chemical PFOA is produced, are speaking out against a landfill where the company dumped the toxic chemical.

Miers Supported Asbestos Fund

As if enough weren't wrong with Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination, Reuters reports that Miers spoke to several groups last spring to garner support for Sens. Specter and Leahy's ailing asbestos...

Home Antibacterials Raise FDA Concerns

An FDA panel is examining possible health concerns associated with antibacterial soaps, wipes and other household products. The market is booming for these germ-killers, but home use might be creating...

Toxic Toys

Many baby and young children's products like teething rings, plastic and plush toys, clothing, and personal care products contain phthalates and fire retardants, a new study shows.

San Francisco Considers Mercury Warnings for Seafood

San Francisco officials are looking at a proposal requiring trilingual signs in restaurants, stores and markets warning consumers of mercury in their fish. Mercury can cause neurological and...

Healed by Grace: Asbestos Giant Tells Libby Victims They Aren't Sick

W.R. Grace has taken the power of positive thinking too far, attempting to cure the Libby, Mont., residents the company knowingly poisoned for decades with toxic vermiculite just by saying it isn't so...

Calif. Wal-Marts Suspected of Illegal Pesticide Sales

Wal-Mart's 153 California stores are in danger of an audit from the state Department of Pesticide Regulation for selling home and lawn pesticides not approved for use in the state.

PCBs at Danger Levels in Wash., Wisc. Waters

Toxic PCBs have been found at 140 times the level that requires cleanup at a South Seattle site that EPA declared clean more than five years ago. Fish in the nearby Duwamish River are the most PCB...

GAO: Bankruptcy Protects Environmentally Liable Companies

A report the GAO released last week faults EPA for not enforcing laws that prevent companies from ducking environmental cleanup costs by filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy.