
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1657 - 1680 of 1795

Corn Growers: Stuck in the Sandbox

When there's trouble in the sandbox, kids are likely to point at each other and say, “He did it.” As we get older, most of us mature to the point where we're able to accept responsibility for the...

EPA’s Pruitt Says “Hard to Predict” How Much Time He Spends in Secure Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt couldn't say how much of his work to safeguard public health and natural resources he conducts from his new $25,000 secure phone booth.

Top Pruitt Aide Has Side Hustle as Media Consultant – EPA Won’t Reveal Clients

John Konkus, a top public affairs officer at the Environmental Protection Agency, is working on the side as a media consultant. The EPA not only doesn't have a problem with that, but won't even say...

EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™: The Dirty Dozen™ is packed with fungicides that can disrupt human hormones

Non-organic produce is loaded with fungicides that may harm human hormone systems, according to the Environmental Working Group’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, released today.

This Back-to-School Season, Protect the Lunchbox

Back to school means books, studying and recess – to kids. For many parents, this time of year means packing lunches.

EWG sponsors bill to ban use in California of toxic weedkiller linked to Parkinson’s disease

The Environmental Working Group is sponsoring legislation in the state Assembly that would ban the use of the highly toxic herbicide paraquat in California.

FDA Bans 7 Cancer-Causing Food Additives Found in Popular Foods

Under pressure from EWG and other environmental and public health groups, the Food and Drug Administration has banned seven substances used in artificial flavors that have been linked to cancer in...

Overriding Veto of CAFO Bill Would Dump On Rights of 270,000 North Carolinians

The long-held property rights of hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians are at stake in the latest round of the ongoing battle between state lawmakers and Gov. Roy Cooper.

GMOs: What the Experts Actually Said

After an expert panel convened by the National Academy of Sciences issued a long-awaited report on genetically engineered foods, much of the news coverage said it gave GMOs an unqualified seal of...

Mercury in Tuna Plummets As Coal-Fired Power Drops

A bit of good news for seafood lovers: Scientists at Stony Brook University recently reported a notable drop in mercury concentrations in bluefin tuna caught in the Gulf of Maine over the past decade.

Claims that GMOs Will “Feed the World” Don’t Hold Up

A report released today by Environmental Working Group delivers a stinging rebuke to conventional agribusiness' argument that genetically modified crops are the answer to future global food shortages...

Surprise! Some of your favorite foods may contain artificial sweetener

You’ve probably heard some of the concerns being raised lately about artificial sweeteners. Maybe you’ve even sworn off diet products as a result.

Federal Rules Help Farmers, But Farm Lobbyists Want to Block Them

Farm lobbyists often complain that farmers face overregulation. In fact, farmers are largely exempt from most environmental and public health regulations, including rules designed to protect drinking...

What are the biggest food policy debates?

This week, Grist offered its opinion about the biggest debates in food policy. But many of the biggest kitchen-table issues weren't on the list, including climate change, farm pollution, food safety...

California Assembly and Senate approve bills to improve prevention of lead poisoning

The California Assembly and Senate today approved two bills that would take important steps toward the prevention of lead poisoning.

Trump at 6 Months: An Unprecedented Assault on Children’s Health

President Trump said last week that in his first months in office he has accomplished "more ... than practically any president in history." His claim is not supported by the facts, but at the six...

EWG Urges EPA to Finalize Dioxin Toxicity Assessment

EWG research found that the amount of dioxin a nursing infant ingests daily is up to 77 times higher than the level EPA has proposed to protect the endocrine and immune systems. The fact that both...

Study: Lead Exposure Can Be Deadly For Adults

The danger of children's exposure to even the lowest level of lead is well known. Now, a new study finds that adults who are exposed to lead face major risks of death from heart attacks and other...

Top Natural Foods Industry Leaders Say California's Prop 37 GMO Labeling Bid Won't Raise Food Prices

Executives of Whole Foods Market and other top natural and organic food companies held a conference call with reporters yesterday to support California's Proposition 37, a ballot initiative that calls...

Toxic Weed Killer Found in Breast Milk, Infant Formula

The widely-used herbicide glyphosate, now classified as a probably carcinogenic to humans by the World Health Organization, has been found in a number of items, including honey, breast milk and infant...

Chef Ann Cooper's Toolbox for the School Lunchbox

After 30 years as a top chef in some of this country's best restaurants, Chef Ann Cooper has turned to fighting the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America's children. First she claimed the title...

Chemical Agriculture Group Says, Shut Up and Eat Your Pesticides

WASHINGTON, DC - Rachel Carson ignited the debate over pesticide safety a generation ago. Its latest phase began today (July 15).

Top 5 Reasons to Reform Crop Insurance

Few federal programs are more badly in need of reform than the federal crop insurance program. The Senate will debate some long overdue reforms this week.

Scott Pruitt’s ‘Unethical and Potentially Illegal’ Acts, 4 EPA Email Accounts

There was stunning news today on the seemingly endless scandals engulfing Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.