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Displaying 1241 - 1260 of 1273

Babies at risk from pollution

According to a story in the Sydney Morning Herald, a newly-published study found that the more air pollution women were exposed to, the lower their babies' birth weights were. Low birth weight is a...

CA Cosmetics Bill Passes Cmte

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that California Assembly's Health Committee advanced a bill that would require manufacturers of personal care products to inform the state's Department of Health...

Louisville Becomes Trendsetter on Air Quality

Supported by local health and environmental activists, the Air Pollution Control Board in Louisville, Ky., made admirable history last week with the Strategic Toxic Air Reduction (STAR) program. Three...

Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects

A major investigation by The Riverside Press-Enterprise finds that an industry-funded study, relied on by federal scientists to recommend drinking water standards for a toxic rocket fuel chemical...

The Water's Not Fine: Plant Refuses to Locate in Teflon-Tainted Town

Businesses that object to tough pollution standards often hold communities or states hostage by threatening to take their jobs and move. Now the shoe is on the other foot in West Virginia, where a...

Toxic Chemicals Found in British Celebrities' Bodies

In the latest study of toxic chemicals in people, the BBC reports that seven British TV personalities were tested for 104 industrial compounds in their blood. All were contaminated with toxins, and...

EPA Drags Feet on New Lead Rules

An EPA whistle-blower has exposed the agency for secretly delaying completion of required rules to protect children and construction workers from lead poisoning from paint and dust in favor of...

Federal Court Holds MTBE Polluters Responsible

Despite Tom Delay and his lapdogs recent efforts to protect MTBE polluters, a federal court ruled MTBE producers and manufacturers must pay to clean up their mess.

CA City Protects Infants from Rocket Fuel Contamination

One California city is taking no chances on a toxic rocket fuel in its drinking water. Although neither the EPA nor the state has made a final decision on safe levels of perchlorate, the Associated...

DeLay Targeted Asbestos Firms for Donations

According to The Associated Press, documents show that fundraisers for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) routinely identified legislative actions that would interest possible donors.

California Affirms Low Limit of Rocket Fuel in Water Supplies

California will keep its recommendation for the legal limit of the toxic rocket fuel chemical perchlorate in drinking water at 6 parts per billion (ppb), despite EPA levels set over four times higher...

New Study Finds Chemical Cocktail in Household Dust

Tests on household dust in seven states show that we're breathing in a hodgepodge of chemicals from consumer products, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. On the shortlist of 35 toxic industrial...

Bush administration, ACC battle EU cosmetic safety laws

Not content to pander to the cosmetics industry by requiring no safety testing on American personal care products, the Bush administration is now working to thwart Europe's attempts at improving...

California Paper Looks at One Family's Body Burden

The Oakland Tribune devoted three days and thousands of words to telling the story of one local family's exposure to toxic chemicals. The paper's superb series presents a new and updated take on the...

DuPont Agrees to Settlement After Poisoning Drinking Water

DuPont Corp. has agreed to pay a settlement of over $100 million to residents of Parkersburg, WV, after knowingly contaminating their drinking water with PFOA, a toxic chemical used to make Teflon.

Australian asbestos exporter lobbies Congress for "no fault" legislation before American victims can be compensated

In the wake of the W.R. Grace indictment for asbestos poisoning in Libby, Mont., Australian building products company James Hardie Industries is working hard to make sure it escapes responsibility for...

Fire retardants found in Canadian foods

New tests by Toronto's Globe and Mail and CTV News show some of the world's highest levels of chemical fire retardants in common Canadian foods.

Farmed Fish Consumption Rising Along With PCBs

The Washington Post reports that half the fish consumed worldwide will be farm-raised instead of wild-caught by the year 2025, exposing Americans to more fish with plenty of healthy omega-3s and...

More health problems for asbestos victims?

Researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered a possible link between asbestos and autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Rocket Fuel Polluters Distort Debate as Feinstein Calls for Safety Standards

An investigation by the Riverside Press Enterprise documents how industries that make and use the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate have worked to undermine sound science on its health effects -- even...
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