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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 1273

Floating Pharmacies

Prozac, antibiotics, health and beauty products, steroids, disinfectants, fire retardants, DEET, caffeine and more are increasingly being found in America's waterways.

Community Protests DuPont's Teflon Dumping

Residents near DuPont's W.Va. Washington Works plant, where the Teflon chemical PFOA is produced, are speaking out against a landfill where the company dumped the toxic chemical.

Toxic Trash

Feeling good about donating your old computer for use by someone in another country? Then don't read Laurie J. Flynn's New York Times story about the finding that many of those donated electronics end...

Miers Supported Asbestos Fund

As if enough weren't wrong with Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination, Reuters reports that Miers spoke to several groups last spring to garner support for Sens. Specter and Leahy's ailing asbestos...

No Safety Standard for Cosmetics

The New York Times gets it wrong in an otherwise nice article about organic labeling of health and beauty products. Synthetic ingredients used in cosmetics are generally considered safe. The Food and...

Home Antibacterials Raise FDA Concerns

An FDA panel is examining possible health concerns associated with antibacterial soaps, wipes and other household products. The market is booming for these germ-killers, but home use might be creating...

Fluoride Concerns Gain Momentum

Grassroots opposition to proposals to fluoridate water supplies across the country are gathering community and state-level attention and support, a new piece in TIME Magazine shows.

Toxic Toys

Many baby and young children's products like teething rings, plastic and plush toys, clothing, and personal care products contain phthalates and fire retardants, a new study shows.

Schwarzenegger Vetoes Biomonitoring Bill

Using a line straight from the chemical industry's playbook, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have established the nation's first state biomonitoring program last weekend...

W.R. Grace Asbestos Threatens Dallas Community

W.R. Grace strikes again, the Dallas Morning News reports, with news that up to 450 employees of the company's West Dallas plant and their families are at risk from asbestos-related illnesses.

Fla. Chemical Maker Drops Pesticides Linked to Birth Defects

Ag-Mart Produce, the giant Florida tomato grower, is eliminating the use of some pesticides linked to birth defects following a lawsuit involving three seriously deformed babies born to field workers.

Washington Begins Biomonitoring Program

The Washington State Toxics Coalition and the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition have started body burden testing on 10 people in the Puget Sound area, looking for pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, fire...

Coastal Women Have Highest Mercury Levels

The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin reports on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study that shows that U.S. women living near a coast have higher levels than women living inland.

Healed by Grace: Asbestos Giant Tells Libby Victims They Aren't Sick

W.R. Grace has taken the power of positive thinking too far, attempting to cure the Libby, Mont., residents the company knowingly poisoned for decades with toxic vermiculite just by saying it isn't so...

EPA Moves to Reduce Companies' Pollution Disclosure

The Environmental Protection Agency has released a proposal designed to lift the "regulatory burden" from polluters by allowing them to skip reporting "small" releases of toxic chemicals, and reduce...

Asbestos Bill's Fuzzy Math Draws More Condemnation

More and more groups are examining the Senate asbestos bill called FAIR and finding it doesn't keep its promises – to anyone. Environmental Working Group's research has shown that the Senate's answer...

PCBs at Danger Levels in Wash., Wisc. Waters

Toxic PCBs have been found at 140 times the level that requires cleanup at a South Seattle site that EPA declared clean more than five years ago. Fish in the nearby Duwamish River are the most PCB...

Utah Denies Request to Test Fish for Mercury

Two Utah state agencies have denied a request for an independent testing program of mercury levels in fish in the Great Salt Lake Basin. In February the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the lake...

Teflon Attorneys Win Trial Lawyer Award

Six West Viriginia and Ohio lawyers received the 2005 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Foundation July 26 for their work on behalf of residents drinking Teflon...

Activists Turn up the Heat on DuPont's Teflon Chemical

In the past week, activists have pressed Teflon maker DuPont to clean up its act on two fronts. Environmental groups demanded that the company monitor groundwater around its local plant, the only one...
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