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Areas of Focus

Displaying 1041 - 1060 of 1270

Encourage California to Green its Cleaners - and its Air

Good news: There's a surprising silver (er, green) lining to California's infamous smog problem.

Why do blowouts take so long to fix?

Blowouts can be as diverse as a shredded rear tire on a busy interstate, BP's infamous spew of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, or, we've recently learned, a hair-straightening concoction from California...

Dr. Oz investigates early puberty in girls

Dr. Mehmet Oz begins a recent segment of The Dr. Oz Show by telling us in no uncertain terms that he's not happy about early puberty in girls - as a dad and a doctor.

Want Some Bug-Killer With That?

If you like your fruits and vegetables with pesticides, then you'll be glad to know the conventional produce industry is boasting of a big win with the Obama administration.

Introducing: EWG's Guide to Healthy Child Care

Truth is, when my husband and I chose a childcare facility for our kids (way back in 2003), the question of environmental health didn't even cross our minds.

How green is your Halloween?

Halloween is spooky enough without having to worry about the toxins in your decorations and costumes. You and your family should have your haunted fun -- without being exposed to an abundance of toxic...

Taxpayers Funding Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a California trade association, wants you to have less information about pesticide residues on the fruits and vegetables you buy. That's not too surprising...

Nanosilver in your underwear? We hope not.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing its proposal to approve a Swiss nanosilver textile coating for sale in the U.S. EPA...

Study: Organic Berries Trump Others on Taste, Nutrition and More

Recent government-sponsored tests at more than a dozen California farms found that organic strawberries were tastier and more nutritious than conventionally grown berries. On top of that, the organic...

Mission Organic Made Easy

With its new blog, Mission Organic Made Easy, the Boulder, Colo.-based Organic Center (TOC) delivers on its promise to communicate all the good reasons to eat food devoid of harmful agrichemicals and...

Katy Farber: The Toxic Chemicals in Me

Having written about toxins in toys, vitamins, children's products, and food for two years on my blog, Non-Toxic Kids, well, I needed to put up or shut up, to say it simply.

Don't. Frack. New. York.

Companies that drill for natural gas and oil in the United States are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates (think: kerosene, mineral spirits and a number of other petroleum...

A personal response to the President's Cancer Panel Report

The 2009 President's Cancer Panel report, "Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk, What We Can Do Now," confirms what Rachel Carson articulated in Silent Spring and what Sandra Steingraber argued in her...

Hold the Mayo, Extra Pesticides

Over the past decade, organic produce sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to surveys by the...

You could (almost) eat this furniture

When I shop for furniture, I usually think of what NOT to get - no sprayed-on stain protection, no flame retardants, no unsustainable wood, and the list goes on.

A (video) Green Guide to Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with my second child, I read Sandra Steingraber's book, Having Faith, a haunting account of the effects of toxic chemicals on babies in utero, written while she was pregnant...

Watch CNN's 'Toxic America' Special on June 2-3

CNN's chief medical correspondent for its Health, Medical & Wellness unit, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, has put together an impressive 2-part investigative report on toxic chemicals in America. It airs this week...

Something stinks: Secrecy and health hazards courtesy of the fragrance industry

Millions of American consumers participate every day as unwitting human lab rats in one of the biggest experiments ever conducted (or, more appropriately, perpetrated) on the human race. For many...

Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers

By Jane Houlihan, EWG Senior V-P for Research Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to...
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