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Displaying 301 - 320 of 360

Poor Farming Practices Foul Drinking Water at the Source

A new Environmental Working Group report examines water pollution caused by farm runoff and details how treating the problem after the fact is increasingly expensive, difficult and, if current trends...

California Drinking Water Pollution Traced to Fertilizers and Animal Waste

Animal waste and fertilizer from farming operations in California's Salinas Valley and Tulare Lake Basin are the source of 96 percent of the nitrate contamination in the area's groundwater, a new...

America’s Conservation Compact is Eroding Despite Farmers’ Support

A new research paper finds that most farmers support the long-standing conservation compact that has helped protect the rich soil and clean water that sustain food, farming and public health.

Corn and Cotton Clobber Poor Kids in Big Ag’s Secret Farm Bill

Details became public today of a farm bill proposal written in secret by the top leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees and sent this week to the Congressional “Super Committee.” As...

Michael Pollan Names the World's 7 Most Powerful Foodies

Famed food writer/philosopher Michael Pollan has picked the seven individuals he considers to be the most powerful voices in the good food movement from around the world and published his list on...

Californians Urge Healthy Food and Jobs Focus in Fast Tracked Farm Bill

More than 60 public health, nutrition, food, farm and environmental groups representing hundreds of thousands of California citizens are urging Gov. Jerry Brown and the state's congressional...

56 Groups Urge Budget Cutters to Protect Agricultural Conservation

A national coalition of 56 policy and advocacy organizations is urging Congress to preserve funding for essential U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs and to take additional steps to...

Corn Lobby Offers Flawed Data To Deflect Blame for Dead Zone

A new study released today by the US Geological Survey shows that efforts to reduce nitrate levels in the Mississippi River Basin are having little impact. Nitrates come mostly from the over...

EWG Meat Eater’s Guide Spotlights Beef’s Outsize Carbon Footprint

The Environmental Working Group today released its groundbreaking Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health, a powerful, multi-featured tool that allows both consumers and experts to understand...

Despite Claims of Reform, Subsidy Band Marches On

As the Senate Agriculture Committee meets today to discuss accountability and spending on farm programs, new data washes away the gloss of reform used by the subsidy lobby and its champions in...

Soil Erosion In Corn Belt Is Much Worse Than Official Estimates

Data based on tracking erosion after every storm over a period of years shows that Iowa farms are losing precious topsoil up to 12 times faster than government estimates, a disturbing discovery...

New Map Reveals Hot Spots in Emerging Global Food Crisis

Volatile food markets and food insecurity contributed to the civic unrest that recently brought down Egypt's president. To better understand the unfolding reality of global food price volatility...

EWG Fans More Than One Million Strong

Since 2006, Environmental Working Group has been building an email list of engaged consumers who sign up to get regular alerts about our latest research and practical tips to help them keep their...

Farm Pollution Knocks Chesapeake Bay Out of Balance

For more than thirty years, contamination from high-intensity farming has been adding to the pollution that fouls Chesapeake Bay, one of America's most storied waterways. A new report from the...

Black Farmers Finally See Justice

Yesterday (Nov 19) it was announced that the $1.15 billion awarded black farmers in the Pigford settlement that arose from decades of discriminatory practices at the U.S. Department of Agriculture...

Throwing Good Money at Bad Land

A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis has found that a federal Bureau of Reclamation proposal to continue farming on a vast swath of selenium-tainted acreage in the Central Valley's giant...

Louisiana Agribusiness Poised to Reap Millions Under White House-Backed Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Large agriculture interests across Louisiana are projected to receive more than $98 million in taxpayer dollars under a controversial disaster aid program conceived by Senate...

Arkansas Agribusiness Poised to Reap Millions Under White House-Backed Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Large agriculture interests across Arkansas are projected to receive more than $210 million in taxpayer dollars under a controversial disaster aid program conceived by Senate...

White House is Challenged on Plan to Fund “Disaster Aid” for Farmers

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12, --Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook today wrote to the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) challenging the rationale for the White House's promise to...

Chemical Agriculture Group Says, Shut Up and Eat Your Pesticides

WASHINGTON, DC - Rachel Carson ignited the debate over pesticide safety a generation ago. Its latest phase began today (July 15).
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