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AP: Army Wants Nearly $300K To Disclose PFAS Contaminant Data at Military Bases

The Army is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars to fulfill a public records request from EWG seeking data on military sites where drinking water sources are contaminated with toxic fluorinated...

NYT: To Avoid Cleanup, Pentagon Demands PFAS Standards Up to 30x Higher Than Safe Level in Federal Study

The Pentagon is lobbying the White House to back woefully weak cleanup standards for PFAS chemicals, which contaminate water on or near hundreds of military bases, according to The New York Times.

PFAS Pollutes Water at More Than 100 Military Bases Above EPA’s ‘Safe’ Level

Water sampled on or near at least 106 military sites was contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, known as PFAS, above what EPA considers safe, according to Department of Defense data analyzed...

Top Senate Democrats Demand All Trump Administration Documents on PFAS

Senate Democratic leaders today called on the Trump administration to turn over documentation of all communications between key agencies and the White House about plans to address the PFAS...

Bipartisan Senate Bill Introduced To Classify PFAS Chemicals as Superfund Toxics

Senate legislation introduced today with strong bipartisan support would classify the fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS as hazardous substances under the Superfund toxics law, an important step...

Federal Agency To Test for PFAS in People Near Military Bases

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention will begin testing people who live in communities near current and former military installations for toxic fluorinated compounds, known as PFAS.

Jerry Ensminger to EPA’s Wheeler: ‘The Time for Weasel Words Is Over’

Retired Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger, who was stationed for many years at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina, lost his daughter Janey in 1985 at the age of 9 from leukemia...

Trump PFAS Plan Is a Recipe for More Contamination

The Environmental Protection Agency's so-called PFAS management plan would only make the nationwide crisis of pervasive pollution from fluorinated compounds worse, EWG said.

Pioneers in PFAS Fight Call Out Trump EPA’s ‘Action Plan’

Two of the nation's leading voices fighting for victims of PFAS contamination and pushing for federal action sharply rebuked the Environmental Protection Agency's toothless “action plan” for the...

Study: Chemicals in Cosmetics Linked to Lung Damage in Children

Children exposed to chemicals commonly found in personal care products may be at a higher risk of suffering from lung damage later in life, according to a new European study.

Report: Ex-Koch Executive Put in Key Role Over EPA’s PFAS Plan

A former chemical and fossil fuel industry executive who recently oversaw the anti-environmental agenda of the Koch brothers is now in charge of the Trump administration's plan to address the crisis...

Sources: Trump EPA Won’t Set Drinking Water Limit for PFAS Chemicals

The Trump administration will not set legal limits for two toxic chemicals that may contaminate more than 110 million Americans' drinking water, two sources familiar with the upcoming decision told...

Bipartisan Congressional Task Force To Take on Growing PFAS Contamination Crisis

EWG today applauded Reps. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) for establishing a new bipartisan task force in the House of Representatives to address the urgent drinking water...

Dingell, Kildee and Upton Author Bipartisan Bill To Classify PFAS Chemicals as Superfund Toxics

Reps. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) introduced legislation Monday to classify the fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS as hazardous substances under the...

White House May Adopt PFAS Cleanup Level 10x Higher Than CDC Deems Safe

In its guidelines for addressing cleanup of groundwater and military and industrial sites contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency is recommending a limit 10...

Tests Find PFAS Chemicals in Cosmetics at ‘Elevated Levels’

A new study from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency found toxic fluorinated, or PFAS, chemicals at high levels in nearly one-third of the cosmetics products it tested.

EPA: GenX Nearly as Toxic as Notorious Non-Stick Chemicals It Replaced

GenX, introduced a decade ago as a “safer” alternative for the notorious non-stick chemicals PFOA and PFOS, is nearly as toxic to people as what it replaced, says an Environmental Protection Agency...

Congress Passes Measure To Dramatically Restrict Major Source of PFAS Contamination in Drinking Water

Congress passed legislation Wednesday that will give commercial airports the option to switch to firefighting foams that do not include the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS.

New Bipartisan Senate Legislation Aims to Spur Federal Response to PFAS Crisis

The contamination of drinking water and groundwater by toxic fluorinated compounds, known as PFAS chemicals, is a national crisis demanding a national response.

HHS Releases ‘Nightmare’ PFAS Chemical Study Suppressed by Scott Pruitt, White House

A government report released today – which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense and the White House for fear it would cause a “public relations nightmare” –...

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