Articles by Craig Cox

The Farm Bureau Bogeyman

When the farm bill fight gets rolling again in Congress, one question will be at the heart of the debate: Is it fair to ask farmers to take a few basic steps to protect soil and clean up waterways in...

Our Soil and Water Needs a Safety Net Too

For just a little while, it looked like a great day for Iowa agriculture and the environment. On Aug. 30, delegates to the Iowa Farm Bureau annual policy conference in Des Moines passed a historic...

We Already Gave at the (Insurance) Office

At a time when the agriculture economy is white-hot, sending government checks to mega-farms that don't need the money is indefensible. But that hasn't kept leaders of the agricultural community from...

Corn Lobby Gets Darwinian on Advanced Biofuels

By Craig Cox and Sheila Karpf The corn lobby has persistently sold misguided subsidies and mandates for corn ethanol as a bridge to the "next generation" of so-called "advanced" biofuels. The...

Sen. Lincoln’s Nutrition Plan Pits Kids Against Clean Water -- Needlessly

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) plans to mark up her Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 this week (March 24). The legislation would reauthorize child nutrition...

Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

Agricultural run-off is causing environmental problems in Iowa waters and as far away as the Gulf of Mexico. Craig Cox, Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group, offers some solutions.