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Displaying 3941 - 3960 of 4040

Oregon Tuna Lower in Mercury

As an update to last week's post on high mercury levels in supermarket tuna samples, the Eugene Register-Guard provides incentives for eating locally-caught fish: lower mercury, higher omega-3s and...

DOJ Seeks to Blame Environmental Groups for Levee Failure

Straight from the Jackson Clarion-Ledger: E-mail sent to various U.S. Attorney's offices: SUBJECT: Have you had any cases involving the levees in New Orleans?

PCBs at Danger Levels in Wash., Wisc. Waters

Toxic PCBs have been found at 140 times the level that requires cleanup at a South Seattle site that EPA declared clean more than five years ago. Fish in the nearby Duwamish River are the most PCB...

Mercury High in Storebought Fish

AP reports that University of North Carolina tests in 21 states found average mercury levels in tuna and swordfish at 1.1 parts per million, over the government's limit of 1 ppm. The samples came from...

Lead in Lunchboxes

An Oakland group found lead in 27 soft vinyl lunchboxes in a recent study, a quarter of the products tested. The lead was on the surface of the plastic, where it could easily leach onto children's...

Soaking Uncle Sam

Courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, a few hundred California farms in Fresno and Kings counties annually get enough water to supply every household in Los Angeles, at pennies on the dollar of the price paid...

EPA Proposes New Human Pesticide Testing Rules

EPA's new human pesticide testing legislation prohibits intentional dosing of pregnant women and children, but will allow some human testing, subject to ethical standards and approval of a review...

Subsidy Disclosures Across The Pond

Read about an Irish executive, the Dutch Minister of Agriculture (who's appearing before Parliament on September 1 to explain) and get the full picture from the Wall Street Journal's European edition...

What Revolving Door? Industry and Government Share an Office in Utah

Here is a news story you may need to read twice. It's about people on energy company payrolls, consultants whose livelihoods depend on plundering our natural treasures, and who are now charged with...

GAO: Bankruptcy Protects Environmentally Liable Companies

A report the GAO released last week faults EPA for not enforcing laws that prevent companies from ducking environmental cleanup costs by filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Utah Denies Request to Test Fish for Mercury

Two Utah state agencies have denied a request for an independent testing program of mercury levels in fish in the Great Salt Lake Basin. In February the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the lake...

Dust Data Accumulates

A study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Science & Technology finds that up to 80% of a child's exposure to toxic flame retardant chemicals could come from household dust.

Congress, Spare Food Stamps

As the New York Times editorialized on August 17, Congress will soon debate how to trim the nation's agricultural budget by $3 billion dollars. EWG agrees with the Times that Congress should not cut...

Teflon Attorneys Win Trial Lawyer Award

Six West Viriginia and Ohio lawyers received the 2005 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Foundation July 26 for their work on behalf of residents drinking Teflon...

Mining, Asbestos Giant Files Chapter 11

Asarco, a subsidiary of mining conglomerate Grupo Mexico, filed for bankruptcy Wednesday, leaving taxpayers holding the bag on an estimated $1 billion in environmental cleanups in a dozen states that...

Arkansas Activist Fights Fluoridation

The Lovely County Citizen reports on one woman's winning effort to prevent the state of Arkansas from mandating fluoride in drinking water statewide, and on how one state official publicly mocked her...

Activists Turn up the Heat on DuPont's Teflon Chemical

In the past week, activists have pressed Teflon maker DuPont to clean up its act on two fronts. Environmental groups demanded that the company monitor groundwater around its local plant, the only one...

Farm Subsidies v. Food Stamps

Uruguay is following in Brazil's footsteps, announcing July 26 that it will file a WTO complaint against the U.S. over rice subsidies. Increasing international pressure has finally forced Congress to...

Farmers Support Subsidy Caps

According to Agriculture Online, a poll released on August 2 finds that 67 per cent of voters surveyed in Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota support limiting farm subsidy payments to $250,000 per farm...

Double Dippers

Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an EWG investigation of federal crop and...
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