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Wetland: Land That Gets Watered?

It's all fair enough. Some of these environmental terms sound like we should all know what they are, but in fact have precise technical definitions: watershed, wetland, sediment to name just three. So...

New Study Questions Experts' Independence

In a study published today in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, researchers found that over half of the 170 experts that review and revise our nation's key mental health manual had...

NPR: DuPont Under Fire for Teflon Fumes

From NPR's Morning Edition: Teflon may make a great plate of scrambled eggs, but it also may make for a kitchen full of toxic fumes. That is the issue behind a class action lawsuit against the maker...

The 'Dead Zone': You're Paying for It in More Ways Than One

From The Huffington Post: "No, not the Stephen King novel. It's no work of fiction, but a growing horror just the same. Every spring, polluted waters from the Mississippi watershed drain into the Gulf...

East Coast Group Running Ad Campaign for a West Coast Congressman?

Environmental Action, a Boston-based advocacy group, is taking a poll on which of two anti-Pombo ads you would prefer to see run in Rep. Pombo's district. Each ad protests the potential sale of up to...

MTBE: Joke's on Big Oil

The Albany Times-Union has a great, in-depth piece on MTBE lawsuits this week. Transcripts of Shell Oil execs thinking up clever acronyms for the toxic gasoline additive that's now in drinking water...

Is Your Cell Phone Being Recycled Responsibly?

As reported by Knight Ridder, a recent survey of leading U.S. wireless carriers (Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and Cingular) found these companies have cell phone recycling programs that are ineffectual...

Dead in the Water

For over 20 years, scientists have documented the appearance of a summertime "Dead Zone" that all but obliterates marine life in what is arguably the nation's most important fishery, the Gulf of...

"Pombo-ize:" To Defeat/Be Defeated?

In a story in the Contra Costa Times, two people separately coin the term "Pombo-ize" to refer to that California Republican congressman's unsuccessful effort last fall to auction off our public lands...

Mass. Sets Strong Standard for Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water

Massachusetts has proposed the nation's most protective limits and clean-up standards for the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate in drinking water.

Parents Take Precautions on Toxics

The New York Times has a great profile on parents who don't care how safe the chemical companies say their products are -- they want toxics-free kids, and they'll protect them as best they can by...

The Green House

Earlier this week it was eco-furniture -- now here's a green house to put it in. And like the furniture, the new green building is going beyond energy conservation and land use to focus mainly on...

Enviro-Friendly Furniture

If you're looking for couches with wood from sustainable forests, fabric free of flame retardants and finished off with non-toxic dyes, stains and glues, Q Collection makes them not just green, but...

House Threatens Food Safety Standards

No point rewriting Marian Burros' lead from Wednesday's New York Times: "The House is expected to vote Thursday on a bill that would pre-empt all state food safety regulations that are more stringent...

Pombo Operatives in Interior Department

The Hill reports that two staffers who work for the Department of Interior have spent almost three years pushing Rep. Richard Pombo's agenda, including controversial provisions for off shore drilling...

EPA Study: Week of Organics Cleans Pesticides from Kids' Blood

A new EPA study fed 23 Seattle children an all-organic diet for a week and saw the pesticide levels in their blood drop to virtually zero. As soon as the kids started back on their conventional diets...

N.C. Pesticide Laws Lack Teeth

Tomato giant Ag-Mart couldn't be in bigger trouble in North Carolina for alleged pesticide violations that may have caused birth defects in three field workers' children, but the state ag department...

Minnesotans See Their Future And It Ain't Green

Talk about taking matters into your own hands! Seeing that there was no answer to the question, ‘How's our environment doing?', a nature-loving Gopher-stater took it upon himself to find out. His...

"Half the Size of His Fingernail"

The Associated Press reported that Dr. Philip Landrigan of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine testified in a court case over lead paint that swallowing a chip of lead paint just half the size of his...
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