Official Correspondence

We've compiled and archived letters and other official correspondence from EWG to government agencies, elected officials, industry associations and companies.

Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 141 - 160 of 257

EWG to FDA: Sunscreen Regs Good Step, Not Enough

EWG comments on FDA's efforts to ensure the safety and effectiveness of sunscreens. The sunscreen rulemaking process began in 1978, but FDA's 2011 rules do not sufficiently protect the public from...

EWG Urges EPA: Protect Public from Chromium-6 in Tap Water

EWG submits comments on EPA's IRIS program draft toxicological review of hexavalent chromium.

Proposed federal fluoride cap too high

EWG comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urging the federal government to further lower its recommendation for fluoride levels in drinking water.

EWG Takes a Stand on Food Marketed for Children

EWG strongly supports the proposed nutrition principles of the Interagency Working Group on Food Marketed to Children.

EPA Proposes to Phase Out Fluoride Pesticide

EWG comments to the Environmental Protection Agency supporting a phaseout of sulfuryl fluoride, an insecticide and fumigant

Water Utilities Urge Caution on Grand Canyon Uranium Mining

Major water utilities in Nevada, Arizona and California have urged the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to weigh carefully the potential risks of contamination of the Colorado River from...

Leading Scientists Call for Increases Pesticide Testing on Children's Favorite Foods

Leading pesticide researchers write FDA, USDA and EPA to call for increased monitoring of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, as well as more study of pesticide effects on children.

EWG Urges Ban On Toxic Soft Soap Additive

EWG urges EPA to work with FDA to ban all non-medical uses of triclosan, an antibacterial additive and potent hormone disruptor. In a letter to EPA's pesticide division EWG outlines new evidence that...

EWG Comments to Dioxin Review Panel

EWG agrees with the EPA's Science Advisory Board assessment that dioxin is carcinogenic to humans. It urges the panel to accelerate its scientific review of dioxin toxicity.

EWG backs strict California chromium-6 goal

EWG urges California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to set a strict public health goal for hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, a probable carcinogen, and move rapidly to...

FDA needs to protect people and the environment from triclosan contamination

EWG comments that FDA's assessment of triclosan in over-the-counter antimicrobial products should weigh evidence suggesting that antibacterial hand soaps and dish detergents are no more effective than...

EWG outlines Teflon chemical health risks

EWG and Environmental Defence Canada comment that the Canadian government's Draft Screening Assessment for perfluorooctanoic acid ignores at least 12 key human and laboratory studies. Evidence...

Request to Withdraw Draft Regulations for Green Chemistry by DTSC

Doctors Reject Schwarzenegger's Flawed Green Chemistry Proposal

Allow the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit to Expire

EWG joins a diverse group of business associations, hunger and development organizations, taxpayer advocates, agricultural groups, religious organizations, environmental groups, budget hawks and...

EWG response to EPA’s review of chromium-6 health effects

EWG comments on EPA's review of toxicological studies for hexavalent chromium say that there is no need to weaken the conclusions or delay issuing the document.

EWG response to EPA’s Draft Chesapeake Bay Pollution Diet

Download PDF. Read our Bay out of Balance Report November 5, 2010 Water Docket Environmental Protection Agency Mailcode: 28221T 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460 Re: Draft Chesapeake...

FDA FOIA Re: Brazilian Blowout

FOIA request to FDA regarding reports from Oregon regarding the discovery of formaldehyde in test samples of Brazilian Blowout.

FTC FOIA Re: Brazilian Blowout

EWG has been monitoring reports from Oregon regarding the discovery of formaldehyde in test samples of Brazilian Blowout – despite claims that the products are “formaldehyde free.” Oregon health...

EWG Urges FDA to Focus on Cosmetics in 5-Year Plan

EWG comments on FDA's 5-year plan urge the agency to give priority to cosmetics safety, particularly nanotechnology in cosmetics, surveillance of adverse reactions and consumer education of...

New Research Fuels Demand for BPA-Free Food Cans

EWG writes FDA commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg that a pivotal new study intensifies concerns about the danger of bisphenol A, plastics chemical and synthetic estrogen, to public health.
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