Toxic babies

It's hard to talk about pregnancy without talking about a woman's right to give birth to pollution-free babies.

In 2004, EWG tested umbilical cord blood of 10 babies born in U.S. hospitals and found a total of 287 chemicals, an average of 200 chemical per child! All this at the time of the infant's most critical period of development of the baby, when it needs a chemical-free and nutrient-rich environment, not an industrial site! That those chemicals are present in its mother's womb is wrong on so many levels!

But babies are not just born pre-polluted due to environmental factors, they are harder to conceive. According to the Telegraph, newspaper in Calcutta, India:

"A study of 100 childless couples who have experienced early miscarriage in the past two years revealed genetic deficiencies in sperms produced by almost 55 per cent of the males in the group. The common factor was constant exposure to air pollution."

The Telegraph further reports around 15 to 20 per cent of all pregnancies in India were ending in miscarriage, because males, exposed to pollution, were producing defective sperm.

But you don't have to go as far as India. You can go to the U.S. farmlands to encounter dangerous agricultural chemicals. According to Sandra Steingraber, the author of the book "Living Downstream," chemicalization of farming has sent toxic farm chemicals downstream and into contact with people.

We are all interconnected. The choices that people make in one part of the world affect the people on the other side of the blog. Those choices affect whether others enjoy basic human rights and necessities. The right to food. The right to give birth to non-polluted babies.

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