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California bill to protect children from lead exposure advances to Senate

On May 21, California Assembly lawmakers passed a bill to safeguard children’s health from the lasting and devastating effects of lead exposure through drinking water, an urgent threat in the state.

California lawmakers introduce bills to protect children from lead exposure

Two bills introduced this legislative session aim to safeguard children’s health from the lasting and devastating effects of lead exposure through drinking water, an urgent threat in the state.

Lead use in popular Stanley tumblers sparks consumers’ concern

Stanley tumblers, the internet-famous cups, are trending on social media not for a new color release, but because they contain the toxic metal lead.

WanaBana recalls fruit puree pouches after high levels of lead sicken children

Yet another children’s food has been found to be contaminated with dangerous levels of lead. Federal health officials are warning that WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches may contain elevated...

Urgent pleas go unheeded: Advocacy groups challenge California’s handling of lead pipes amid federal funding concerns

Today, a coalition of 22 organizations dedicated to environmental protection, public health, the welfare of low-income communities and children’s health, including the Environmental Working Group...

California Legislature passes bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water, protecting youth

Today the California Legislature passed a bill to require lead tests at all school drinking water fountains and faucets. The bill also sets a goal of reducing lead levels in school drinking water to...

California Assembly advances bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water as new test data shows alarming levels at child care centers

Today the California State Assembly voted [insert vote count] in favor of a bill aimed at removing all lead from drinking and cooking water used in schools. If passed, it would help protect young...

1 in 4 California child care centers found to have alarming levels of lead in drinking water, putting babies and children at risk

Results of lead tests released today by California reveal that nearly 1,700 licensed child care centers across the state have exceeded the amount of allowable lead in drinking water given daily to...

EWG welcomes new FDA standards for toxic metals in baby foods

The following is a statement of Scott Faber, the Environmental Working Group’s senior vice president of government affairs, on the Food and Drug Administration’s announcement today of new standards...

California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water

California Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) on Wednesday introduced a bill aimed at removing all lead from drinking and cooking water used in schools, which would help protect young children...

Thousands of sippy cups and bottles recalled due to lead poisoning hazard

On November 23, the baby product company Green Sprouts issued a voluntary recall of more than 10,000 stainless steel bottles and sippy cups because of lead poisoning concerns.

California Children’s Environmental Health Month shows risks of pesticides, lead

California’s proclamation of October as Children’s Environmental Health Month highlights the need to protect children from exposure to pesticides and hazardous chemicals like lead, which can result in...

Gov. Newsom strengthens California’s ability to reduce lead poisoning

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation to improve the removal of lead paint from buildings and streamline blood testing for lead levels. Lead exposure remains a serious problem. The primary sources...

California lawmakers approve bills to improve prevention of lead poisoning

Two bills that take important steps toward the prevention of lead poisoning have cleared California's legislature and now move to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is expected to sign them into law.

Assembly approves measure to protect Californians from toxic lead water pipes

The California Assembly today passed legislation to protect residents by banning the partial replacement of lead or galvanized service lines corroded with lead, a hazardous activity the state...

California Assembly and Senate approve bills to improve prevention of lead poisoning

The California Assembly and Senate today approved two bills that would take important steps toward the prevention of lead poisoning.

New test results of heavy metals in baby food require immediate action by FDA, Congress

New Consumer Reports test results released today have found dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic in three popular brands of infant rice cereals, prompting the Environmental Working Group to again...

California enacts nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure establishing the strictest lead-leaching limit in the country for drinking water faucets, ensuring faucets and fixtures will be practically lead...

EWG urges Congress to quickly set limits on toxic metals in baby food

The Environmental Working Group is urging Congressional leaders to quickly set mandatory limits on levels of toxic heavy metals in baby food, after a new House oversight panel report highlighted food...

California State Legislature approves bill with nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Tuesday, California’s State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 100, which would enact the strictest lead-leaching limit for drinking water faucets in the nation.
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