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Displaying 741 - 760 of 789

EPA Ignores Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water

Under pressure from the White House and the Pentagon, the Environmental Protection Agency has decided not to set cleanup or safety standards for a toxic rocket fuel chemical that contaminates drinking...

EPA Again Decides Not to Regulate Chemicals in Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will not establish safety standards for 11 contaminants in drinking water.

Surge in Uranium Mining Claims Spurs Concern for Drinking Water Safety

In response to the threat that surging mining claims along the Colorado pose to drinking water in Las Vegas, the General Manager for the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), Patricia Mulroy, sent a...

EWG Warns Senate Over Rocket Fuel in Nation's Drinking Water

For almost 50 years, the federal government, defense contractors and the chemical industry have worked together to block public health protections against a component of rocket fuel that can disrupt...

Gov’t Study Shows Millions of Two-Year Olds Exposed To Dangerous Levels of Rocket Fuel Through Food and Water

A recent study by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that three quarters of 285 commonly consumed foods and beverages are contaminated with perchlorate, a toxic rocket fuel ingredient.

U.S. One-Year Olds Overexposed to Rocket Fuel Chemical

One of every 16 one-year-old children in the U.S. is exposed to the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate at levels above the government's safe dose, according to an Environmental Working Group analysis of...

Plan to Add Fluoride to Southern California Tap Water will put 64,000 Kids at Risk

More than 64,000 children a day in Southern California will be exposed to an unsafe dose of fluoride when the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) begins adding fluoride to drinking water in October...

Hearing on "Perchlorate: Health and Environmental Impacts of Unregulated Exposure"

A series of critical new studies by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that the EPA's proposed safe exposure level for the rocket fuel contaminant perchlorate is...

CDC Study Shows Boston Area Infants Exposed to Dangerous Rocket Fuel Ingredient through Breast Milk

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis of recently published data from scientists at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Boston University (BU) shows that infants are being exposed to...

Environmental Working Group's Statement in Support of the "Safe Drinking Water for Healthy Communities Act of 2007" Introduced Today by Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis

"Tests by the CDC and independent researchers have confirmed that many Americans are carrying the rocket fuel ingredient, perchlorate, in their bodies in amounts that lower thyroid hormone levels, in...

Metropolitan Water District Urged to Warn Customers of Fluoride Risks to Infant

Plans to add fluoride to Southern Californians' tap water this summer are raising concerns that parents may not know of the potential risks of using fluoridated water to mix infant formula.

Under Proposed Rocket Fuel Standards, Many Women Would Need Treatment to Protect Baby

Exposure to a rocket fuel chemical widespread in the U.S. drinking water and food supply, at levels equal to or lower than national and state standards, could cause thyroid deficiency in more than 2...

44 Million Women at Risk of Thyroid Deficiency From Rocket Fuel Chemical

A startling new study by the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says minute traces of a toxic rocket fuel chemical found in milk, fruit vegetables and drinking water supplies nationwide lowers...

When Should You Buy Organic?

If you're concerned about food safety, you probably already look for organic produce at the supermarket. But if you can't always buy organic, you can still dramatically lower your family's exposure to...

JOEM Retracts Fradulent Chromium Article

In a real-life epilogue to "Erin Brockovich," a peer-reviewed medical journal will retract a fraudulent article written and placed by a science-for-hire consulting firm whose CEO sits on a key federal...

Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys

Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study...

National Academy Calls for Lowering Fluoride Limits in Tap Water

National Academy of Sciences report calls for lowering fluoride levels in drinking water.

White House Delays Release of Study Showing Toxic Rocket Fuel in Most Americans

Following a published report that the Bush Administration is holding up a study that shows most Americans carry a toxic rocket fuel chemical in their bodies at levels close to federal safety limits...

ChemRisk's Los Alamos Contract Questioned

Los Alamos Lab contractor caught in scientific fraud: work on chromium contamination conflicts with ties to polluters.

Chrome-Plated Fraud: Scientific Integrity and Chromium Toxicity

A consulting firm hired by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) to fight the "Erin Brockovich" lawsuit distorted data from a Chinese study to plant an article in a scientific journal reversing the study...
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