Senate Confirms Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm as Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON – The Senate voted today to confirm Jennifer Granholm, who is a stalwart supporter of renewable energy and electric cars, to be energy secretary.

As governor of Michigan from 2003 to 2011, Granholm championed strong renewable energy standards for the state and has been a vocal advocate for solar and wind power as the engines of a clean energy economy. As governor, she pushed automakers – major employers in Michigan – to ramp up production of electric vehicles in an effort to protect the industry from collapse during the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.

“EWG congratulates Granholm on her confirmation, and we look forward to working with her as she implements the president’s ambitious agenda to combat the climate crisis and speed up the transition to clean energy,” said EWG President Ken Cook.

“Granholm comes into the job uniquely positioned to rapidly and permanently put the U.S. on track to realize a future where homes, businesses and vehicles will all be powered with clean, renewable energy,” said Cook. “Advancements in wind, solar and battery storage have provided a roadmap for how Granholm and the Biden administration can harness government resources and innovation to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across all sectors of the economy.”

Over the past two decades, previous administrations from both parties have adopted an “all of the above” energy policy, providing enormous financial support to dirty and dangerous sources of energy, including coal, natural gas and nuclear power. Cook urged Granholm and the Biden administration to focus federal resources solely on renewable energy and carbon-free and nuclear-free technologies.

“There has never been a time in history where the challenges and opportunities to shed our reliance on dirty and dangerous energy have been so critical,” said Cook. “The Texas weather catastrophe and the wildfires that raged throughout the West last summer are horrific examples of the impacts of climate change fueled by fossil fuels. As energy secretary, Granholm can and must push for policies that advance clean energy – and only clean energy.”


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