Cancer-causing benzene found in some popular acne products

WASHINGTON – Valisure, an independent laboratory, has detected cancer-causing benzene in tests of acne treatments made with benzoyl peroxide. As a result, the company petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to issue a voluntary recall of these over-the-counter products.  

The products tested included popular brands like Proactiv, Clearasil and PanOxy, as well as products from Clinique, Target, Walgreens and Walmart. 

“The fact benzoyl peroxide can decompose into benzene with extended temperatures is not new. What is shocking is that the majority of these over-the-counter acne products don’t seem to be properly stabilized to prevent benzene,” said Homer Swei, Ph.D., senior vice president of Healthy Living Science at the Environmental Working Group.

“Once again, the finding comes not from a government agency or federal safety authority, but from an independent laboratory,” Swei said. “Benzoyl peroxide is not allowed in EWG Verified® personal care products.”

The Environmental Protection Agency classifies benzene as known to cause cancer in humans. There is no safe level of human exposure.

Valisure previously detected benzene in tests of sunscreens, hand sanitizers, antiperspirant and deodorant, antifungal treatments, and spray shampoos and conditioners. The earlier benzene contamination led to product recalls from major manufacturers, including Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and Unilever.  

In 2023, the FDA re-issued a statement alerting manufacturers to the risk of benzene contamination and warned that any drug containing more than 2 parts per million, or ppm, benzene was adulterated and should be recalled. According to the agency, a daily exposure of 2 ppm in products represents a 1 in 100,000 risk for cancer, that is, a potential for 3,000 Americans to develop cancer over their lifetimes.

“Benzene is a potent carcinogen, and we recommend reducing exposure as much as possible,” said David Andrews, Ph.D., a senior scientist at EWG.  

“Besides potential benzene formation in the product, benzoyl peroxide has many drawbacks, since it is highly irritating and bleaches textiles like clothing and towels. Many manufacturers have already reformulated away from it,” he added. 

Valisure’s test results suggest that use of products formulated with salicylic acid or adapalene is the best way to avoid benzene exposure related to acne treatments.

EWG's Quick Tips for Choosing Safer Personal Care Products


The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action.

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