chemical Class

Carboxylic Acids

Chemicals in the class:

11,14-Methyl Ester Eicosadienoic acid, 9-Hexadecenoic acid, Methyl ester 9,12-Hexadecadienoic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, bis(1-methylpropyl) ester Hexanedioic acid, n-Tetradecanoic acid

Found in these people:

Bill Moyers, Sharyle Patton, Lexi Rome, Monique Harden, Davis Baltz, Andrea Martin, Lucy Waletsky, Michael Lerner, Charlotte Brody

Found in these locations:

NJ, USA; Bolinas, CA; Mill Valley, CA; New Orleans, LA; Berkeley, CA; Sausalito, CA; Pleasantville, NY; Round Hill, VA

Carboxylic Acids

Carboxylic Acids has been found in 9 of the 9 people tested in EWG/Commonweal studies.

Toxicity Classifications (References)

classification governing entity/references