2019 Cover Crops Plantings in Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa

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2019 Cover Crops Plantings in Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa

Planted cover crops plateau across much of the Corn Belt in 2019.

Zoom in and click on counties to see the summaries of estimated cover crop acres planted in 2019, change in area since 2017 and USDA investments made from 2015 to 2019. Cover crop areas were mapped using satellites during emergence seasons, late fall of 2019 followed by the early spring of 2020. Acres of cover crops were only tracked on areas of corn and soybean classified in the 2019 USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Cropland Data Layer.


Acres of Cover Crop 2019

Not assessed
< 2,500 acres
2,500 – 4,999 acres
5,000 – 9,999 acres
10,000 – 14,999 acres
>= 15,000 acres

Cover Crop Gains and Loss Between 2017 and 2019

Not assessed/No gain
< -2,500 acres
-2,499 – 0 acres
1 – 2,499 acres
2,500 – 4,999 acres
>= 5,000 acres

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