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Displaying 181 - 200 of 306

Filtering Lead Out of Chicago’s Drinking Water

Lead has been detected at high levels in Chicago's tap water, but that doesn't mean residents of the Windy City have to drink it.

UPDATE: ‘Erin Brockovich’ Carcinogen in 250 Million Americans’ Drinking Water

In 2016, an EWG report found that chromium-6 – a cancer-causing compound made notorious by the film “Erin Brockovich” – contaminated the tap water supplies of 218 million Americans in all 50 states...

Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

If you're one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here's what you should know and do to make sure your water is safe.

Worried About Contaminants in Your Drinking Water? Skip Bottled Water and Opt for a Home Filter.

Since the release of EWG's National Tap Water Database just over a week ago, this question has been popping up a lot: “What now? Should I switch over to bottled water?”

Using EWG’s Water Filter Buying Guide

If you're concerned about what's in your water, buying a water filter is a smart next step.

Nearly 100 Cancer-Causing Contaminants Found in U.S. Drinking Water

EWG's just-released Tap Water Database shows that a startling number of cancer-causing chemicals contaminate the nation's drinking water. Of 250 different contaminants detected in tests by local...

Your Utility May Not Tell You About All Contaminants in Your Tap Water. EWG Will.

Here's how our database and the information it delivers stacks up against a typical CCR.

EPA Seeks Ideas to Gut Clean Water Rules, But Citizens Speak Up for Public Health

The Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting ideas for easing "burdensome" water regulations – Trump administration doublespeak for gutting rules that protect drinking water from toxic chemicals...

Lawsuit Dismissal Spells Bad News for Iowa Water Quality

Central Iowans got bad news about the quality of their drinking water on Friday when a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by the Des Moines Water Works against three northern Iowa drainage districts.

EWG Investigates: Trump's EPA Pick Unaware Lead is Unsafe at Any Level for Kids

The man who could be in charge of ensuring the safety of the nation's drinking water doesn't know the most basic fact about a grave health threat for American children: lead contamination of tap water...

EWG Investigates: Scott Pruitt’s War on Drinking Water

As EWG documented this week, Scott Pruitt – President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency – stymied efforts to clean up chicken manure fouling a protected river as...

Trump Must Make Safe Drinking Water for Children, Pregnant Women a 'Huge' Priority

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged that providing “crystal clear, clean water” to all Americans will be a top priority of his administration. To make good on his promise, he should adopt the...

In Reversal, EPA Confirms That Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency has just confirmed what communities near many oil and gas production fields have known for years: fracking – the injection of a chemical slurry into drilling sites...

President-Elect Says ‘Crystal Clear Water’ Crucial

During a sit-down Tuesday with top brass from The New York Times, President-elect Donald Trump told the assembled journalists, columnists and editors that “clean air and ‘crystal clear water' were...

Blue-Green Algae Threaten Human Health and Aquatic Ecosystems Nationwide

From Florida beaches to Lake Erie to the California Delta, algal blooms threaten human health and aquatic ecosystems. Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, produce toxins that can make...

New Studies Trace PFC Pollution from Sources to the Next Generation

Fluorine-based chemicals that can cause cancer, developmental toxicity and numerous other detrimental health effects have contaminated the drinking water of millions of Americans, and the blood of...

Agricultural Pollution Threatens Water Supplies in Central Iowa

Des Moines Water Works warned customers of elevated levels of microcystins, the toxins created by cyanobacteria, in their drinking water. These toxins cause acute problems with the liver, including...

High Rates of Bladder Cancer Linked to Arsenic in Drinking Water

The recent crisis in Flint, Mich., sounded the alarm on the dangers of lead contamination in drinking water. Now there's potentially more bad news for the nation's water supply.

In Florida, Toxic Algae Mars the ‘Treasure Coast’ and Waylays Beachgoers

What comes to mind when you think of the Florida coast? Sandy beaches, sunshine, warm water and … toxic algal blooms?
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